Install an app from Google Play and, while the installer takes the form of an APK files, you’re never given the opportunity to download the file directly. Using the APK Downloader extension for Chrome, you can download any APK you need so you have it as a backup.

从Google Play安装应用程序,并且安装程序采用APK文件的形式,但您永远没有机会直接下载文件。 使用适用于Chrome的APK Downloader扩展程序,您可以下载所需的任何APK,以便将其作为备份。

This does not mean that you can wade into the store and start downloading all of the premium apps and games you’ve always had your eye on. This is not a tool for piracy, but it will enable you to download the APK for any free apps.

这并不意味着您可以涉足商店,并开始下载您一直关注的所有高级应用程序和游戏。 这不是盗版工具,但可让您下载所有免费应用的APK。

You can download a copy of the extension by paying a visit to Code Kiem. You will need to right click the link to the latest version of the extension and select Save Target As.

您可以访问Code Kiem来下载扩展的副本。 您将需要右键单击该扩展程序的最新版本的链接,然后选择目标另存为。

To install APK Downloader, click the menu button to the upper right of Chrome and select Settings, click Extensions and then drag the .crx file you have downloaded onto the extensions page – make sure you drag to the center of the page so the ‘Drop to install’ drop zone appears. Click Add and a new icon will appear to the far right of the address bar.

要安装APK Downloader,请单击Chrome右上方的菜单按钮,然后选择设置,单击扩展,然后将已下载的.crx文件拖到扩展页面上-确保将其拖到页面*,安装”放置区出现。 单击添加,新图标将出现在地址栏的最右边。

Click the Options link beneath the APK Downloader entry on the Extensions page and you will be asked to provide your email, password and device ID. Enter the email address and password associated with your Google Play account. The extension’s page provides details for why this information is needed.

单击扩展页面上APK Downloader条目下方的“选项”链接,系统将要求您提供电子邮件,密码和设备ID。 输入与您的Google Play帐户关联的电子邮件地址和密码。 扩展页面提供了为什么需要此信息的详细信息。

When it comes to your Android Device ID, there are a couple of options available to you. If you’re using a phone, bring up your dialer and call *#*#8255#*#*. Scroll down through the data that is shown and beneath the JID entry which lists your email address, you’ll find your Device ID in hexadecimal format. We’re interested in the 16 characters that appear after ‘android-‘

当涉及到您的Android设备ID时,您可以使用几个选项。 如果您正在使用电话,请拔出拨号器并拨打*#*#8255#*#* 。 向下滚动显示的数据,在列出您的电子邮件地址的JID条目下方,您将找到十六进制格式的设备ID。 我们对'android-'之后出现的16个字符感兴趣

If you have a tablet – although you can also do this with a phone – you should download Device ID from Google Play. This provides you with the same information.

如果您拥有平板电脑(尽管您也可以通过手机进行操作),则应从Google Play下载设备ID 。 这为您提供了相同的信息。

Enter all of these details into the Options page for APK Downloader and click Login.

将所有这些详细信息输入APK Downloader的“选项”页面,然后单击“登录”。

Now you can head over to Google Play and start browsing through the available titles. When you find something you would like to download, open up its page and click the APK Downloader icon at the right hand side of the address bar and save the APK as you would any other download.

现在,您可以转到Google Play并开始浏览可用的标题。 当您找到要下载的内容时,请打开其页面,然后单击地址栏右侧的APK Downloader图标,然后像其他任何下载一样保存APK。

If you have trouble downloading APKs, go back and double check that your Device ID has been entered correctly – get it wrong and you’ll see nothing but download errors.
