Download & export monthly reports

Using the Play Console website, you can download monthly reports about individual apps to help you track and understand your app's performance.

Types of reports

Detailed reports

Detailed reports include data on individual events.

  • Reviews
  • Financial: estimated sales, earnings, rewarded products, Korean Play balance funded

Aggregated reports

Aggregated reports include consolidated data (averages, daily totals, etc.) for app statistics.

  • Statistics: installs, crashes, ratings, and subscriptions
  • User acquisition: retained installers, buyers (7 days after install), subscribers

Download reports

  1. Sign in to your Play Console.
  2. Click Download reports .
  3. On the left menu, select a report.
  4. Under "Select an application," type and select your app's name.
  5. Select the year and month of the report you want to download.

Note: Financial reports include all apps in your account.

Download reports from Google Cloud Storage

Reports are available from Google Cloud Storage. Reports are generated daily and accumulated in monthly CSV files. They are stored in a private Google Cloud Storage bucket for your Google Play Developer account.

You can access reports using Google Cloud Storage on your browser or programmatically using gsutil. You can also use other tools to programmatically access your Cloud Storage bucket.


Find your Google Cloud Storage bucket ID

Your Google Cloud Storage bucket ID is listed near the bottom of your Reports pages.


Download reports using a command line tool

pubsite_prod_revpubsite_prod_rev_01234567890987654321gsutil cp

Reports are organized in directories named after each type of report. CSV file names include the type of report, package name, time period, and the dimension (if applicable).

Step 1: Create a service account

Step 2: Add the service account on your Play Console

  1. Sign in to your Play Console.
  2. Select Settings  > User accounts & rights > Invite new user.
  3. Paste or type the email address associated with your service account.
  4. Based on the types of reports needed, select permissions. 
  5. Click Add user. Your service account will be added to your account.

Step 3: Fetch reports using an API call


See an example (Python)

If you used Python to fetch reports, here's a code example:

import json

from httplib2 import Http

from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials

from apiclient.discovery import build

# Change these variables to fit your case

client_email = 'your service account here' 

json_file = 'path_to_json_file_obtained_when_creating_the_service_account'

cloud_storage_bucket = 'pubsite_prod_rev_…'

report_to_download = ‘earnings/earnings_….zip’

private_key = json.loads(open(json_file).read())['private_key']

credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(client_email, private_key,


storage = build('storage', 'v1', http=credentials.authorize(Http()))

print storage.objects().get(



Control access to Google Cloud Storage

Reports available on Google Cloud Storage use the same access restrictions that control data access on your Play Console. This means account users with access to areas of a Play Console account have access to the corresponding reports in Google Cloud Storage. 

  • To access bulk reports, your "View app information" permission must be set to "Global." 
  • To download financial reports, your "View financial data" permission must be set to "Global."