两种使用 pprof 定位问题的形式:

go tool pprof

但我依旧存在一个疑问,针对CPU的Profile文件,在执行top命令时,这些列头究竟是什么意思?换一句话描述我的问题, flat 和 cum 的区别是什么?

 flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%


The first two columns show the number of samples in which the function was running (as opposed to waiting for a called function to return), as a raw count and as a percentage of total samples

The third column shows the running total during the listing

The fourth and fifth columns show the number of samples in which the function appeared (either running or waiting for a called function to return). To sort by the fourth and fifth columns, use the -cum (for cumulative) flag:

字面上的意思很好理解: flat 表示样本中当前函数占用的CPU时间,cum表示当前函数以及当前函数调用其他函数的时间。但到底是不是这个意思呢,我也不是很清楚。

思考了很久之后,我突然意识到另一个问题:在火焰图上,标识函数占比的数据,依靠了是 flat 还是 cum 呢?我顿悟式的有了一个假设:火焰图上使用的肯定是 cum,而 cum 数据是用于反应函数调用栈信息的。
