我目前正在使用Golang应用程序.我从客户端收到JWT令牌,在Go中,我需要对该令牌进行解码并获取以下信息:用户,名称等.我正在检查可用的库来处理JWT令牌,而我来到了这一个,但是我不知道如何简单地做我需要的. 我有令牌,我需要将信息解码为地图或至少为json.在哪里可以找到如何做的指南? 谢谢!
I am currently working on a Golang application.I receive a JWT token from the client side and, in Go I need to decode that token and get the information: user, name, etc. I was checking the libraries that are available to handle JWT tokens and I came down to this one, but I don't see how to simply make what I need. I have the token and I need to decode the info into a map or at least a json. Where can I find a guide of how to do it? Thank you!
tokenString := "<YOUR TOKEN STRING>"
claims := jwt.MapClaims{}
token, err := jwt.ParseWithClaims(tokenString, claims, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
return []byte("<YOUR VERIFICATION KEY>"), nil
// ... error handling
// do something with decoded claims
for key, val := range claims {
fmt.Printf("Key: %v, value: %v\n", key, val)