A Golang tool that does static analysis, unit testing, code review and generate code quality report. This is a tool that concurrently runs a whole bunch of those linters and normalizes their output to a report:
Supported linters
Todo List
- This version will re-design the template.
- Add interfacer and safesql and gofmt(-s),govet linter.
Install goreporter (see above).
Run it:
You have to confirm that your project is operational. In particular, the problem with vendor, when the package is not found in the default path, goreporter will look again from the possible vendor path.
- -version Version of GoReporter.
- -p Must be a valid Golang project path.
- -r Save the path to the report.
- -e Exceptional packages (multiple separated by commas, for example: "linters/aligncheck,linters/cyclo" ).
- -f report format json, html OR text.
- -t Template path,if not specified, the default template will be used.
By default, the default template is used to generate reports in html format.
you can see result detail:online-example-report
Logo is designed by Ri Xu