
使用了一下colly这个爬虫框架,发现非常的好用,它的设计还是值得学习一下的,API设计的非常简洁。不过首先 我们要看看这玩意儿咋用。



$ go get -u github.com/gocolly/colly/...


package main

import (


func main() {
	c := colly.NewCollector(
		colly.AllowedDomains("httpbin.org"), // 要限定域名,否则就把全网都爬下来了

	extensions.RandomUserAgent(c) // 使用随机的UserAgent,最好能使用代理。这样就不容易被ban

	// Find and visit all links
	c.OnHTML("a[href]", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {

	c.OnRequest(func(r *colly.Request) {
		fmt.Println("Visiting", r.URL)



$ go build -o main && ./main
Visiting https://httpbin.org/



colly 有几个常用的回调方法:

OnErrortype ErrorCallback func(*Response, error)OnHTMLtype HTMLCallback func(*HTMLElement)OnXMLOnRequestOnResponseOnScrapedOnHTML


c := colly.NewCollector()c.Visit()
// Collector provides the scraper instance for a scraping job
type Collector struct {
	// UserAgent is the User-Agent string used by HTTP requests
	UserAgent string
	// MaxDepth limits the recursion depth of visited URLs.
	// Set it to 0 for infinite recursion (default).
	MaxDepth int
	// AllowedDomains is a domain whitelist.
	// Leave it blank to allow any domains to be visited
	AllowedDomains []string
	// DisallowedDomains is a domain blacklist.
	DisallowedDomains []string
	// DisallowedURLFilters is a list of regular expressions which restricts
	// visiting URLs. If any of the rules matches to a URL the
	// request will be stopped. DisallowedURLFilters will
	// be evaluated before URLFilters
	// Leave it blank to allow any URLs to be visited
	DisallowedURLFilters []*regexp.Regexp
	// URLFilters is a list of regular expressions which restricts
	// visiting URLs. If any of the rules matches to a URL the
	// request won't be stopped. DisallowedURLFilters will
	// be evaluated before URLFilters

	// Leave it blank to allow any URLs to be visited
	URLFilters []*regexp.Regexp

	// AllowURLRevisit allows multiple downloads of the same URL
	AllowURLRevisit bool
	// MaxBodySize is the limit of the retrieved response body in bytes.
	// 0 means unlimited.
	// The default value for MaxBodySize is 10MB (10 * 1024 * 1024 bytes).
	MaxBodySize int
	// CacheDir specifies a location where GET requests are cached as files.
	// When it's not defined, caching is disabled.
	CacheDir string
	// IgnoreRobotsTxt allows the Collector to ignore any restrictions set by
	// the target host's robots.txt file.  See http://www.robotstxt.org/ for more
	// information.
	IgnoreRobotsTxt bool
	// Async turns on asynchronous network communication. Use Collector.Wait() to
	// be sure all requests have been finished.
	Async bool
	// ParseHTTPErrorResponse allows parsing HTTP responses with non 2xx status codes.
	// By default, Colly parses only successful HTTP responses. Set ParseHTTPErrorResponse
	// to true to enable it.
	ParseHTTPErrorResponse bool
	// ID is the unique identifier of a collector
	ID uint32
	// DetectCharset can enable character encoding detection for non-utf8 response bodies
	// without explicit charset declaration. This feature uses https://github.com/saintfish/chardet
	DetectCharset bool
	// RedirectHandler allows control on how a redirect will be managed
	RedirectHandler func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error
	// CheckHead performs a HEAD request before every GET to pre-validate the response
	CheckHead         bool
	store             storage.Storage
	debugger          debug.Debugger
	robotsMap         map[string]*robotstxt.RobotsData
	htmlCallbacks     []*htmlCallbackContainer
	xmlCallbacks      []*xmlCallbackContainer
	requestCallbacks  []RequestCallback
	responseCallbacks []ResponseCallback
	errorCallbacks    []ErrorCallback
	scrapedCallbacks  []ScrapedCallback
	requestCount      uint32
	responseCount     uint32
	backend           *httpBackend
	wg                *sync.WaitGroup
	lock              *sync.RWMutex


store storage.Storage
// OnHTML registers a function. Function will be executed on every HTML
// element matched by the GoQuery Selector parameter.
// GoQuery Selector is a selector used by https://github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery
func (c *Collector) OnHTML(goquerySelector string, f HTMLCallback) {
	if c.htmlCallbacks == nil {
		c.htmlCallbacks = make([]*htmlCallbackContainer, 0, 4)
	c.htmlCallbacks = append(c.htmlCallbacks, &htmlCallbackContainer{
		Selector: goquerySelector,
		Function: f,
// Visit starts Collector's collecting job by creating a
// request to the URL specified in parameter.
// Visit also calls the previously provided callbacks
func (c *Collector) Visit(URL string) error {
	if c.CheckHead {
		if check := c.scrape(URL, "HEAD", 1, nil, nil, nil, true); check != nil {
			return check
	return c.scrape(URL, "GET", 1, nil, nil, nil, true)
func (c *Collector) scrape(u, method string, depth int, requestData io.Reader, ctx *Context, hdr http.Header, checkRevisit bool) error {
	if err := c.requestCheck(u, method, depth, checkRevisit); err != nil {
		return err
	parsedURL, err := url.Parse(u)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if parsedURL.Scheme == "" {
		parsedURL.Scheme = "http"
	if !c.isDomainAllowed(parsedURL.Host) {
		return ErrForbiddenDomain
	if method != "HEAD" && !c.IgnoreRobotsTxt {
		if err = c.checkRobots(parsedURL); err != nil {
			return err
	if hdr == nil {
		hdr = http.Header{"User-Agent": []string{c.UserAgent}}
	rc, ok := requestData.(io.ReadCloser)
	if !ok && requestData != nil {
		rc = ioutil.NopCloser(requestData)
	req := &http.Request{
		Method:     method,
		URL:        parsedURL,
		Proto:      "HTTP/1.1",
		ProtoMajor: 1,
		ProtoMinor: 1,
		Header:     hdr,
		Body:       rc,
		Host:       parsedURL.Host,
	setRequestBody(req, requestData)
	u = parsedURL.String()
	if c.Async {
		go c.fetch(u, method, depth, requestData, ctx, hdr, req)
		return nil
	return c.fetch(u, method, depth, requestData, ctx, hdr, req)
func (c *Collector) fetch(u, method string, depth int, requestData io.Reader, ctx *Context, hdr http.Header, req *http.Request) error {
	defer c.wg.Done()
	if ctx == nil {
		ctx = NewContext()
	request := &Request{
		URL:       req.URL,
		Headers:   &req.Header,
		Ctx:       ctx,
		Depth:     depth,
		Method:    method,
		Body:      requestData,
		collector: c,
		ID:        atomic.AddUint32(&c.requestCount, 1),


	if request.abort {
		return nil

	if method == "POST" && req.Header.Get("Content-Type") == "" {
		req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")

	if req.Header.Get("Accept") == "" {
		req.Header.Set("Accept", "*/*")

	origURL := req.URL
	response, err := c.backend.Cache(req, c.MaxBodySize, c.CacheDir)
	if proxyURL, ok := req.Context().Value(ProxyURLKey).(string); ok {
		request.ProxyURL = proxyURL
	if err := c.handleOnError(response, err, request, ctx); err != nil {
		return err
	if req.URL != origURL {
		request.URL = req.URL
		request.Headers = &req.Header
	atomic.AddUint32(&c.responseCount, 1)
	response.Ctx = ctx
	response.Request = request

	err = response.fixCharset(c.DetectCharset, request.ResponseCharacterEncoding)
	if err != nil {
		return err


	err = c.handleOnHTML(response)
	if err != nil {
		c.handleOnError(response, err, request, ctx)

	err = c.handleOnXML(response)
	if err != nil {
		c.handleOnError(response, err, request, ctx)


	return err


c.handleOnRequest(request)if err := c.handleOnError(response, err, request, ctx); err != nil {c.handleOnResponse(response)err = c.handleOnHTML(response)err = c.handleOnXML(response)c.handleOnScraped(response)



// Storage is an interface which handles Collector's internal data,
// like visited urls and cookies.
// The default Storage of the Collector is the InMemoryStorage.
// Collector's storage can be changed by calling Collector.SetStorage()
// function.
type Storage interface {
	// Init initializes the storage
	Init() error
	// Visited receives and stores a request ID that is visited by the Collector
	Visited(requestID uint64) error
	// IsVisited returns true if the request was visited before IsVisited
	// is called
	IsVisited(requestID uint64) (bool, error)
	// Cookies retrieves stored cookies for a given host
	Cookies(u *url.URL) string
	// SetCookies stores cookies for a given host
	SetCookies(u *url.URL, cookies string)


