Golang 中的结构体或结构体是用户定义的类型,它允许我们将一组不同类型的元素创建为一个单元。任何具有某些属性或字段集的现实世界实体都可以表示为一个结构体。 Go 语言允许嵌套结构。作为另一个结构的字段的结构称为嵌套结构。或者换句话说,另一个结构中的结构称为嵌套结构。


type struct_name_1 struct{
  // Fields
type struct_name_2 struct{
  variable_name  struct_name_1



示例 1:

// Golang program to illustrate
// the nested structure
package main
import "fmt"
// Creating structure
type Author struct {
    name   string
    branch string
    year   int
// Creating nested structure
type HR struct {
    // structure as a field
    details Author
func main() {
    // Initializing the fields
    // of the structure
    result := HR{
        details: Author{"Sona", "ECE", 2013},
    // Display the values
    fmt.Println("\nDetails of Author")


Details of Author
{{Sona ECE 2013}}

示例 2:

// Golang program to illustrate
// the nested structure
package main
import "fmt"
// Creating structure
type Student struct {
    name   string
    branch string
    year   int
// Creating nested structure
type Teacher struct {
    name    string
    subject string
    exp     int
    details Student
func main() {
    // Initializing the fields
    // of the structure
    result := Teacher{
        name:    "Suman",
        subject: "Java",
        exp:     5,
        details: Student{"Bongo", "CSE", 2},
    // Display the values
    fmt.Println("Details of the Teacher")
    fmt.Println("Teacher's name: ", result.name)
    fmt.Println("Subject: ", result.subject)
    fmt.Println("Experience: ", result.exp)
    fmt.Println("\nDetails of Student")
    fmt.Println("Student's name: ", result.details.name)
    fmt.Println("Student's branch name: ", result.details.branch)
    fmt.Println("Year: ", result.details.year)


Details of the Teacher
Teacher's name:  Suman
Subject:  Java
Experience:  5

Details of Student
Student's name:  Bongo
Student's branch name:  CSE
Year:  2