我想了解 go1.18 中的泛型实现。在我的测试示例中,我存储了一系列测试用例并尝试调用一个函数变量。不幸的是,当我尝试使用变量tc.input时EvalCases函数出现错误,我收到以下错误:
不能使用输入(受 Inputer 约束的 T 类型变量)作为 fn 参数中的字符串类型
import (
type BoolCase func(string) bool
type Inputer interface {
int | float64 | ~string
type Wanter interface {
Inputer | bool
type TestCase[T Inputer, U Wanter] struct {
input T
want U
type TestConditions[T Inputer, U Wanter] map[string]TestCase[T, U]
// IsNumeric validates that a string is either a valid int64 or float64
func IsNumeric(s string) bool {
_, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
return err == nil
func EvalCases[T Inputer, U Wanter](cases TestConditions[T, U], fn BoolCase) {
for name, tc := range cases {
input := T(tc.input)
want := tc.want
// Error: cannot use input (variable of type T constrained by Inputer) as type string in argument to fn
got := fn(input)
fmt.Printf("name: %-20s | input: %-10v | want: %-10v | got: %v\n", name, input, want, got)
func main() {
var cases = TestConditions[string, bool]{
"empty": {input: "", want: false},
"integer": {input: "123", want: true},
"float": {input: "123.456", want: true},
fn := IsNumeric
EvalCases(cases, fn)