Pab*_*oni 6
tr := tar.NewReader(r)
// get the next file entry
h, _ := tr.Next()
// read the complete content of the file h.Name into the bs []byte
bs, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(tr)
// convert the []byte to a string
s := string(bs)
// create a Scanner for reading line by line
s := bufio.NewScanner(tr)
// line reading loop
for s.Scan() {
// read the current last read line of text
l := s.Text()
// ...and do something with l
// you should check for error at this point
if s.Err() != nil {
// handle it
- @m ..文件的内容(无论是在磁盘上还是在tar文件中)**只是一堆字节,没有更多的内容.请解释原始问题. (3认同)