golang 自带排序算法(URL编码和Golang实现)(1)


  • QueryEscape(): Encode URL query string.
  • PathEscape(): Encode URL path segment.

从最新的URI RFC 3986可以看出,URI提供了一种简单、可以扩展的方式来定位一个资源,URL是URI的一个子集,必然也遵循URI标准,未来所有标准应该使用URI来替代URL和URN,从历史中各个URX的出现和发展看,当前URI是一个综合了历史上各个规范的通用规范。

A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) provides a simple and extensible means for identifying a resource. The term "Uniform Resource Locator" (URL) refers to the subset of URIs that in addition to identifying a resource provide a means of locating the resource by describing its primary access mechanism(e.g. its network "location"). The term "Uniform Resource Name" (URN) has been used historically to refer to both URIs under the "urn" scheme [RFC2141] which are required to remain globally unique and persistent even when the resource ceases to exist or becomes unavailable and to any other URI with the properties of a name. Future specifications and related documentation should use the general term "URI" rather than the more restrictive terms "URL" and "URN" [RFC3305].


golang 自带排序算法(URL编码和Golang实现)(2)



golang 自带排序算法(URL编码和Golang实现)(3)

保留字的编码(% ascii十六进制)

golang 自带排序算法(URL编码和Golang实现)(4)

  1. 非保留字符无需转义,保留原样
  2. 保留字符需要根据不同的上下文位置进行转义,换句话说就是在不同的URI结构部分中,保留字的是否需要转义不太一样,但不论是否有特殊意义,都转义也没错,如果不知道是否需要转义,那就都转义吧
  3. 如果不是保留字也不是非保留字,则必须编码,需要先将字符转为utf-8字节序列,然后每个字节转为:% 字节的十六进制表示


application/x-www-form-urlencoded遵循的是html和xform标准,虽然也在不断进化,比如,用 代替了 ,但依然比较古老


这个地方有点坑,好在目前大多数语言和浏览器都能很好地处理这种情况,一般不会遇到问题,而且现在越来越多的人开始用application/json作为请求头,用来告诉服务端消息主体是序列化后的 JSON 字符串,x-www-form-urlencoded用得也越来越少了


1. 空格在URI中到底用" " 还是 " " ?

在URI的path部分,空格需要转成 ,而在query部分,空格需要转成 号

2. escape or encodeURI


  • 不对 ASCII 字母、数字进行编码
  • 不对 *@-_ ./ 进行编码
  • 其他所有的字符都会被转义序列替换


  • 不对 ASCII 字母和数字进行编码
  • 不对 -_.!~*'();/?:@&= $ # 这20个ASCII 标点符号进行编码
  • 其他所有的字符都会被转义序列替换



在go中有两个函数用于url编码:Values.Encode() 和 PathEscape()

  • QueryEscape(): Encode URL query string.
  • PathEscape(): Encode URL path segment.
type encoding int

const (
	encodePath encoding = 1   iota

// Encode encodes the values into ``URL encoded'' form
// ("bar=baz&foo=quux") sorted by key.
func (v Values) Encode() string {
	if v == nil {
		return ""
	var buf strings.Builder
	keys := make([]string  0  len(v))
	for k := range v {
		keys = append(keys  k)
	for _  k := range keys {
		vs := v[k]
		keyEscaped := QueryEscape(k)
		for _  v := range vs {
			if buf.Len() > 0 {
	return buf.String()

// QueryEscape escapes the string so it can be safely placed
// inside a URL query.
func QueryEscape(s string) string {
	return escape(s  encodeQueryComponent)

// PathEscape escapes the string so it can be safely placed
// inside a URL path segment.
func PathEscape(s string) string {
	return escape(s  encodePathSegment)

根据上述代码分析可以看到,最后都调用了escape函数,但参数略有区分:Values.Encode 用了encodeQueryComponent,而PathEscape用了encodePathSegment,用于区分不同的模式


func escape(s string  mode encoding) string {
	spaceCount  hexCount := 0  0
	for i := 0; i < len(s); i   {
		c := s[i]
		if shouldEscape(c  mode) {
			if c == ' ' && mode == encodeQueryComponent {
			} else {

	if spaceCount == 0 && hexCount == 0 {
		return s

	var buf [64]byte
	var t []byte

	required := len(s)   2*hexCount
	if required <= len(buf) {
		t = buf[:required]
	} else {
		t = make([]byte  required)

	if hexCount == 0 {
		copy(t  s)
		for i := 0; i < len(s); i   {
			if s[i] == ' ' {
				t[i] = ' '
		return string(t)

	j := 0
	for i := 0; i < len(s); i   {
		switch c := s[i]; {
		case c == ' ' && mode == encodeQueryComponent:
			t[j] = ' '
		case shouldEscape(c  mode):
			t[j] = '%'
			t[j 1] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[c>>4]
			t[j 2] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[c&15]
			j  = 3
			t[j] = s[i]
	return string(t)


spaceCount hexCount 分别用来记录空格数和需要转义的字符数

shouldEscape:true && mode==encodeQueryComponent时,需要把空格转为

shouldEscape:true && mode!=encodeQueryComponent时,需要把空格转为


// Return true if the specified character should be escaped when
// appearing in a URL string  according to RFC 3986.
// Please be informed that for now shouldEscape does not check all
// reserved characters correctly. See golang.org/issue/5684.
func shouldEscape(c byte  mode encoding) bool {
	// §2.3 Unreserved characters (alphanum)
	if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
		return false

	if mode == encodeHost || mode == encodeZone {
		// §3.2.2 Host allows
		//	sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / " " / " " / ";" / "="
		// as part of reg-name.
		// We add : because we include :port as part of host.
		// We add [ ] because we include [ipv6]:port as part of host.
		// We add < > because they're the only characters left that
		// we could possibly allow  and Parse will reject them if we
		// escape them (because hosts can't use %-encoding for
		// ASCII bytes).
		switch c {
		case '!'  '$'  '&'  '\''  '('  ')'  '*'  ' '  ' '  ';'  '='  ':'  '['  ']'  '<'  '>'  '"':
			return false

	switch c {
	case '-'  '_'  '.'  '~': // §2.3 Unreserved characters (mark)
		return false

	case '$'  '&'  ' '  ' '  '/'  ':'  ';'  '='  '?'  '@': // §2.2 Reserved characters (reserved)
		// Different sections of the URL allow a few of
		// the reserved characters to appear unescaped.
		switch mode {
		case encodePath: // §3.3
			// The RFC allows : @ & =   $ but saves / ;   for assigning
			// meaning to individual path segments. This package
			// only manipulates the path as a whole  so we allow those
			// last three as well. That leaves only ? to escape.
			return c == '?'

		case encodePathSegment: // §3.3
			// The RFC allows : @ & =   $ but saves / ;   for assigning
			// meaning to individual path segments.
			return c == '/' || c == ';' || c == ' ' || c == '?'

		case encodeUserPassword: // §3.2.1
			// The RFC allows ';'  ':'  '&'  '='  ' '  '$'  and ' ' in
			// userinfo  so we must escape only '@'  '/'  and '?'.
			// The parsing of userinfo treats ':' as special so we must escape
			// that too.
			return c == '@' || c == '/' || c == '?' || c == ':'

		case encodeQueryComponent: // §3.4
			// The RFC reserves (so we must escape) everything.
			return true

		case encodeFragment: // §4.1
			// The RFC text is silent but the grammar allows
			// everything  so escape nothing.
			return false

	if mode == encodeFragment {
		// RFC 3986 §2.2 allows not escaping sub-delims. A subset of sub-delims are
		// included in reserved from RFC 2396 §2.2. The remaining sub-delims do not
		// need to be escaped. To minimize potential breakage  we apply two restrictions:
		// (1) we always escape sub-delims outside of the fragment  and (2) we always
		// escape single quote to avoid breaking callers that had previously assumed that
		// single quotes would be escaped. See issue #19917.
		switch c {
		case '!'  '('  ')'  '*':
			return false

	// Everything else must be escaped.
	return true
