Goroutine Scheduler Overview
Lightweight Thread

以下内容涉及到的代码是基于 go1.9rc2 版本。

1. Scheduler Structure

整个调度模型由 Goroutine/Processor/Machine 以及全局调度信息 sched 组成。

                   Global Runnable Queue

                 | G_10 | G_11 | G_12 | ...

                                        P_0 Local Runnable Queue
                +-----+      +-----+       ---------------
                | M_3 | ---- | P_0 |  <===  | G_8 | G_9 |
                +-----+      +-----+       ---------------
                             | G_3 |  Running

                                        P_1 Local Runnable Queue
                +-----+      +-----+       ---------------
                | M_4 | ---- | P_1 |  <===  | G_6 | G_7 |
                +-----+      +-----+       ---------------
                             | G_5 |  Running

1.1 Goroutine

// src/runtime/runtime2.go
type g struct {
        m       *m
        sched gobuf
        goid   int64

type gobuf struct {
        sp   uintptr
        pc   uintptr

整体来说,Goroutine 仅代表任务的内容以及上下文,并不是具体的执行单元。

1.2 Machine

Machine 是 OS Thread,它负责执行 Goroutine。

// src/runtime/runtime2.go

type m struct {
        g0      *g     // goroutine with scheduling stack
        curg    *g     // current running goroutine

        tls     [6]uintptr // thread-local storage (for x86 extern register)
        p       puintptr // attached p for executing go code (nil if not executing go code)
user stackruntimesystem stackmg0runtimecurg
// src/runtime/sys_linux_amd64.s

// set tls base to DI
TEXT runtime·settls(SB),NOSPLIT,$32
#ifdef GOOS_android
        // Same as in sys_darwin_386.s:/ugliness, different constant.
        // DI currently holds m->tls, which must be fs:0x1d0.
        // See cgo/gcc_android_amd64.c for the derivation of the constant.
        SUBQ    $0x1d0, DI  // In android, the tls base·
        ADDQ    $8, DI  // ELF wants to use -8(FS)
        MOVQ    DI, SI
        MOVQ    $0x1002, DI     // ARCH_SET_FS
        MOVQ    $158, AX        // arch_prctl
        CMPQ    AX, $0xfffffffffffff001
        JLS     2(PC)
        MOVL    $0xf1, 0xf1  // crash

// src/runtime/stubs.go

// getg returns the pointer to the current g.
// The compiler rewrites calls to this function into instructions
// that fetch the g directly (from TLS or from the dedicated register).
func getg() *g

// src/runtime/go_tls.h 

#ifdef GOARCH_amd64
#define get_tls(r)      MOVQ TLS, r
#define g(r)    0(r)(TLS*1)

但是 Machine 想要执行一个 Goroutine,必须要绑定 Processor。


1.3 Processor

type p struct {
        m           muintptr   // back-link to associated m (nil if idle)

        // Cache of goroutine ids, amortizes accesses to runtime·sched.goidgen.
        goidcache    uint64
        goidcacheend uint64

        // Queue of runnable goroutines. Accessed without lock.
        runqhead uint32
        runqtail uint32
        runq     [256]guintptr

1.4 全局调度信息 sched

// src/runtime/runtime2.go

var (
        sched      schedt

type schedt struct {
        // accessed atomically. keep at top to ensure alignment on 32-bit systems.
        goidgen  uint64

        lock mutex

        midle        muintptr // idle m's waiting for work
        nmidle       int32    // number of idle m's waiting for work
        maxmcount    int32    // maximum number of m's allowed (or die)

        pidle      puintptr // idle p's
        npidle     uint32
        nmspinning uint32 // See "Worker thread parking/unparking" comment in proc.go.

        // Global runnable queue.
        runqhead guintptr
        runqtail guintptr
        runqsize int32

2. Create a Goroutine

➜  main cat -n main.go
     1  package main
     3  func do() {
     4          // nothing
     5  }
     7  func main() {
     8          go do()
     9  }
gogo do()runtime.newprocruntime.newproc
➜  main uname -m -s
Linux x86_64
➜  main go build
➜  main go tool objdump -s "main.main" main
TEXT main.main(SB) /root/workspace/main/main.go
  main.go:7             0x450a60                64488b0c25f8ffffff      MOVQ FS:0xfffffff8, CX
  main.go:7             0x450a69                483b6110                CMPQ 0x10(CX), SP
  main.go:7             0x450a6d                7630                    JBE 0x450a9f
  main.go:7             0x450a6f                4883ec18                SUBQ $0x18, SP
  main.go:7             0x450a73                48896c2410              MOVQ BP, 0x10(SP)
  main.go:7             0x450a78                488d6c2410              LEAQ 0x10(SP), BP
  main.go:8             0x450a7d                c7042400000000          MOVL $0x0, 0(SP)
  main.go:8             0x450a84                488d05e5190200          LEAQ 0x219e5(IP), AX
  main.go:8             0x450a8b                4889442408              MOVQ AX, 0x8(SP)
  main.go:8             0x450a90                e88bb4fdff              CALL runtime.newproc(SB)  <==== I'm here.
  main.go:9             0x450a95                488b6c2410              MOVQ 0x10(SP), BP
  main.go:9             0x450a9a                4883c418                ADDQ $0x18, SP
  main.go:9             0x450a9e                c3                      RET
  main.go:7             0x450a9f                e88c7dffff              CALL runtime.morestack_noctxt(SB)
  main.go:7             0x450aa4                ebba                    JMP main.main(SB)

2.1 创建 do() 的执行上下文

➜  main go tool objdump -s "main.do" main
TEXT main.do(SB) /root/workspace/main/main.go
  main.go:5             0x450a50                c3                      RET
// src/runtime/proc.go @ func newproc1

if narg > 0 {
        memmove(unsafe.Pointer(spArg), unsafe.Pointer(argp), uintptr(narg)

newg.sched.sp = sp
newg.sched.pc = funcPC(goexit) + sys.PCQuantum // +PCQuantum so that previous instruction is in same function
newg.sched.g = guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newg))
gostartcallfn(&newg.sched, fn)
newg.gopc = callerpc
newg.startpc = fn.fn

2.2 全局唯一的 goid

// src/runtime/proc.go

const (
        // Number of goroutine ids to grab from sched.goidgen to local per-P cache at once.
        // 16 seems to provide enough amortization, but other than that it's mostly arbitrary number.
        _GoidCacheBatch = 16

// src/runtime/proc.go @ func newproc1

if _p_.goidcache == _p_.goidcacheend {
        // Sched.goidgen is the last allocated id,
        // this batch must be [sched.goidgen+1, sched.goidgen+GoidCacheBatch].
        // At startup sched.goidgen=0, so main goroutine receives goid=1.
        _p_.goidcache = atomic.Xadd64(&sched.goidgen, _GoidCacheBatch)
        _p_.goidcache -= _GoidCacheBatch - 1
        _p_.goidcacheend = _p_.goidcache + _GoidCacheBatch
newg.goid = int64(_p_.goidcache)

2.3 Local vs Global Runnable Queue

当 Goroutine 创建完毕之后,它是放在当前 Processor 的 Local Runnable Queue 还是全局队列里?

// src/runtime/proc.go @ func newproc1

runqput(_p_, newg, true)

2.4 小结




3. main is a Goroutine

➜  main uname -m -s
Linux x86_64
➜  main go build --gcflags "-N -l"
➜  main gdb main
(gdb) info file
Symbols from "/root/workspace/main/main".
Local exec file:
        `/root/workspace/main/main', file type elf64-x86-64.
        Entry point: 0x44bb80
        0x0000000000401000 - 0x0000000000450b13 is .text
        0x0000000000451000 - 0x000000000047a6bc is .rodata
        0x000000000047a7e0 - 0x000000000047afd4 is .typelink
        0x000000000047afd8 - 0x000000000047afe0 is .itablink
        0x000000000047afe0 - 0x000000000047afe0 is .gosymtab
        0x000000000047afe0 - 0x00000000004a96c8 is .gopclntab
        0x00000000004aa000 - 0x00000000004aaa38 is .noptrdata
        0x00000000004aaa40 - 0x00000000004ab5b8 is .data
        0x00000000004ab5c0 - 0x00000000004c97e8 is .bss
        0x00000000004c9800 - 0x00000000004cbe18 is .noptrbss
        0x0000000000400fc8 - 0x0000000000401000 is .note.go.buildid
(gdb) info symbol 0x44bb80
_rt0_amd64_linux in section .text
g0m0m0g0m0system stackp0runtime.schedinitm0allp[0]

有了 Goroutine 之后,那么 Machine 怎么执行呢?

// src/runtime/asm_amd64.s

TEXT runtime·rt0_go(SB),NOSPLIT,$0

// set the per-goroutine and per-mach "registers"
        // save m->g0 = g0
        MOVQ    CX, m_g0(AX)
        // save m0 to g0->m
        MOVQ    AX, g_m(CX)

        CALL    runtime·args(SB)
        CALL    runtime·osinit(SB)
        CALL    runtime·schedinit(SB)

        // create a new goroutine to start program
        MOVQ    $runtime·mainPC(SB), AX        // entry
        PUSHQ   AX
        PUSHQ   $0      // arg size
        CALL    runtime·newproc(SB)

        // start this M
        CALL    runtime·mstart(SB)  <=== I'm here!

        MOVL    $0xf1, 0xf1  // crash

4. Machine — Work Stealing

rt0_goCALL runtime.mstart(SB)
  • 当前 Processor 队列已满,Machine 会将本地队列的部分 Goroutine 迁移到 Global Runnable Queue 中;
  • Machine 绑定的 Processor 没有可执行的 Goroutine 时,它会去 Global Runnable Queue、Net Network 和其他 Processor 的队列中抢任务。

这种调度模式叫做 Work Stealing。

4.1 如何执行 Goroutine?

// src/runtime/proc.go

func mstart() {
        } else if _g_.m != &m0 {
                acquirep(_g_.m.nextp.ptr()) // 绑定 Processor
                _g_.m.nextp = 0

mstart() => schedule() => execute() => xxx() => goexit()
  • Local Runnable Queue
  • Global Runnable Queue
  • Net Network
  • Other Processor’s Runnable Queue

需找可执行的 Goroutine 的逻辑都在 findrunnable 里。


那么谁来激活这些休眠状态的 Machine ?

4.2 Wake Up

// src/runtime/proc.go @ func newproc1

if atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) != 0 && atomic.Load(&sched.nmspinning) == 0 && runtimeInitTime != 0 {
atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) != 0 && atomic.Load(&sched.nmspinning) == 0spinningwakep
runtime.mainwakepruntimeInitTime != 0runtime.main
// src/runtime/proc.go

func wakep() {
        // be conservative about spinning threads
        if !atomic.Cas(&sched.nmspinning, 0, 1) {
        startm(nil, true)

func mspinning() {
        // startm's caller incremented nmspinning. Set the new M's spinning.
        getg().m.spinning = true

func startm(_p_ *p, spinning bool) {
        if _p_ == nil {
                _p_ = pidleget()
                if _p_ == nil {
                        if spinning {
                                // The caller incremented nmspinning, but there are no idle Ps,
                                // so it's okay to just undo the increment and give up.
                                if int32(atomic.Xadd(&sched.nmspinning, -1)) < 0 {
                                        throw("startm: negative nmspinning")
        mp := mget()
        if mp == nil {
                var fn func()
                if spinning {
                        // The caller incremented nmspinning, so set m.spinning in the new M.
                        fn = mspinning
                newm(fn, _p_)
        mp.spinning = spinning

5. Preemptive

Machine 会在全局范围内查找 Goroutine 来执行,似乎还缺少角色去通知 Machine 释放当前 Goroutine,总不能执行完毕再切换吧。
我们知道操作系统会根据时钟周期性地触发系统中断来进行调度,Golang 是用户态的线程调度,那它怎么通知 Machine 呢?

回忆上文, 提到了有些 Machine 执行任务前它并不需要绑定 Processor,它们都做什么任务呢?

// src/runtime/proc.go

func main() {
        systemstack(func() {
                newm(sysmon, nil)
// src/runtime/proc.go

// forcePreemptNS is the time slice given to a G before it is
// preempted.
const forcePreemptNS = 10 * 1000 * 1000 // 10ms

func retake(now int64) uint32 {
        for i := int32(0); i < gomaxprocs; i++ {
                _p_ := allp[i]
                if _p_ == nil {
                pd := &_p_.sysmontick
                s := _p_.status

                } else if s == _Prunning {
                        // Preempt G if it's running for too long.
                        t := int64(_p_.schedtick)
                        if int64(pd.schedtick) != t {
                                pd.schedtick = uint32(t)
                                pd.schedwhen = now
                        if pd.schedwhen+forcePreemptNS > now {

Processor 在 Machine 上执行时间超过 10ms,Machine 会给调用 preemptone
给当前 Goroutine 加上标记:

// src/runtime/proc.go

func preemptone(_p_ *p) bool {
        gp.preempt = true

        // Every call in a go routine checks for stack overflow by
        // comparing the current stack pointer to gp->stackguard0.
        // Setting gp->stackguard0 to StackPreempt folds
        // preemption into the normal stack overflow check.
        gp.stackguard0 = stackPreempt

可以看到它并不是直接发信号给 Machine 让它立即释放,而是让 Goroutine 自己释放,那它什么时候会释放?

Golang 创建新的 Goroutine 时,都会分配有限的调用栈空间,按需进行拓展或者收缩。

➜  main go tool objdump -s "main.main" main
TEXT main.main(SB) /root/workspace/main/main.go
  main.go:7             0x450a60                64488b0c25f8ffffff      MOVQ FS:0xfffffff8, CX
  main.go:7             0x450a69                483b6110                CMPQ 0x10(CX), SP
  main.go:7             0x450a6d                7630                    JBE 0x450a9f    <= I'm here!!
  main.go:7             0x450a6f                4883ec18                SUBQ $0x18, SP
  main.go:7             0x450a73                48896c2410              MOVQ BP, 0x10(SP)
  main.go:7             0x450a78                488d6c2410              LEAQ 0x10(SP), BP
  main.go:8             0x450a7d                c7042400000000          MOVL $0x0, 0(SP)
  main.go:8             0x450a84                488d05e5190200          LEAQ 0x219e5(IP), AX
  main.go:8             0x450a8b                4889442408              MOVQ AX, 0x8(SP)
  main.go:8             0x450a90                e88bb4fdff              CALL runtime.newproc(SB)
  main.go:9             0x450a95                488b6c2410              MOVQ 0x10(SP), BP
  main.go:9             0x450a9a                4883c418                ADDQ $0x18, SP
  main.go:9             0x450a9e                c3                      RET
  main.go:7             0x450a9f                e88c7dffff              CALL runtime.morestack_noctxt(SB)
  main.go:7             0x450aa4                ebba                    JMP main.main(SB)
gp.stackguard0 = stackPreemptruntime.morestack_noctxtruntime.retakeruntime.schedule

你可能会问,如果这个 Goroutine 里面没有函数调用怎么办?请查看这个 issues/11462。


6. 关于线程数目

Processor 的数目决定 go binary 能同时处理多少 Goroutine 的能力,感觉 Machine 的数目应该不会太多。

➜  scheduler cat -n main.go
     1  package main
     3  import (
     4          "log"
     5          "net/http"
     6          "syscall"
     7  )
     9  func main() {
    10          http.HandleFunc("/sleep", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    11                  tspec := syscall.NsecToTimespec(1000 * 1000 * 1000)
    12                  if err := syscall.Nanosleep(&tspec, &tspec); err != nil {
    13                          panic(err)
    14                  }
    15          })
    17          http.HandleFunc("/echo", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    18                  w.Write([]byte("hello"))
    19          })
    21          log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
    22  }
➜  scheduler go build
➜  scheduler GODEBUG=schedtrace=2000 ./scheduler
SCHED 0ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=1 threads=6 spinningthreads=1 idlethreads=0 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 2008ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=6 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 4016ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=6 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
// src/runtime/proc.go

func schedtrace(detailed bool) {
        print("SCHED ", (now-starttime)/1e6, "ms: gomaxprocs=", gomaxprocs, " idleprocs=", sched.npidle, " threads=", sched.mcount, " spinningthreads=", sched.nmspinning, " idlethreads=", sched.nmidle, " runqueue=", sched.runqsize)

gomaxprocs:      当前 Processor 的数目
idleprocs:       空闲 Processor 的数目
threads:         共创建了多少个 Machine
spinningthreads: spinning 状态的 Machine
nmidle:          休眠状态的 Machine 数目
runqueue:        Global Runnable Queue 队列长度
[x, y, z..]:     每个 Processor 的 Local Runnable Queue 队列长度

下面我们会通过 wrk 对 sleep 和 echo 这两个 endpoint 进行压力测试,并关注 Machine 的数目变化。

➜  scheduler GODEBUG=schedtrace=2000 ./scheduler > echo_result 2>&1 &
[1] 6015
➜  scheduler wrk -t12 -c400 -d30s http://localhost:8080/echo
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080/echo
  12 threads and 400 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    51.15ms  104.96ms   1.31s    89.35%
    Req/Sec     4.97k     4.48k   20.53k    74.84%
  1780311 requests in 30.08s, 205.44MB read
Requests/sec:  59178.76
Transfer/sec:      6.83MB
➜  scheduler head -n 20 echo_result
SCHED 0ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=1 threads=6 spinningthreads=2 idlethreads=0 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 2000ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=6 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 4005ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=6 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 6008ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=6 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 8014ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=12 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=195 [20 53 6 32]
SCHED 10018ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=12 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=6 runqueue=272 [65 16 5 37]
SCHED 12021ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=7 runqueue=218 [97 5 52 7]
SCHED 14028ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=7 runqueue=41 [2 1 25 3]
SCHED 16029ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=7 runqueue=178 [10 31 45 38]
SCHED 18033ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=7 runqueue=144 [15 92 47 0]
SCHED 20034ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=7 runqueue=195 [1 7 4 41]
SCHED 22035ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=7 runqueue=159 [88 14 41 5]
SCHED 24038ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=7 runqueue=231 [47 19 53 41]
SCHED 26046ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=7 runqueue=6 [1 0 1 10]
SCHED 28049ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=7 runqueue=133 [61 13 97 53]
SCHED 30049ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=7 runqueue=220 [13 49 29 28]
SCHED 32058ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=7 runqueue=138 [40 93 63 50]
SCHED 34062ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=7 runqueue=266 [51 9 38 31]
SCHED 36068ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=0 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=7 runqueue=189 [1 3 46 14]
SCHED 38084ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=13 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=10 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
➜  scheduler GODEBUG=schedtrace=1000 ./scheduler > sleep_result 2>&1 &
[1] 8284
➜  scheduler wrk -t12 -c400 -d30s http://localhost:8080/sleep
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080/sleep
  12 threads and 400 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     1.01s    13.52ms   1.20s    86.57%
    Req/Sec    83.06     89.44   320.00     79.12%
  11370 requests in 30.10s, 1.26MB read
Requests/sec:    377.71
Transfer/sec:     42.79KB
➜  scheduler cat sleep_result
SCHED 0ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=1 threads=6 spinningthreads=2 idlethreads=0 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 1000ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=6 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 2011ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=6 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 3013ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=282 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=1 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 4020ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=400 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=1 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 5028ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=401 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=2 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 6037ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=401 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=2 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 7038ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=402 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 8039ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=402 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 9046ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=402 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 10049ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=402 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 11056ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=402 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 12058ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=402 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=3 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 13058ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 14062ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 15064ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 16066ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 17068ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 18072ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 19083ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 20084ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 21086ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 22088ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 23096ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 24100ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 25100ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 26100ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 27103ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 28110ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=4 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 33131ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=396 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 34137ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=400 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 35140ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=400 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 36150ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=400 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
SCHED 37155ms: gomaxprocs=4 idleprocs=4 threads=403 spinningthreads=0 idlethreads=400 runqueue=0 [0 0 0 0]
localhost:8080/echogdb attachthread apply all bt
Thread 152 (Thread 0x7f4744fb1700 (LWP 27863)):
#0  syscall.Syscall () at /usr/local/go/src/syscall/asm_linux_amd64.s:27
#1  0x000000000047151f in syscall.Nanosleep (time=0xc42119ac90,
#2  0x000000000060f042 in main.main.func1 (w=..., r=0xc4218d8900)
#3  0x00000000005e8974 in net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP (f=
#4  0x00000000005ea020 in net/http.(*ServeMux).ServeHTTP (
#5  0x00000000005eafa4 in net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP (sh=..., rw=...,
#6  0x00000000005e7a5d in net/http.(*conn).serve (c=0xc420263360, ctx=...)
#7  0x0000000000458e31 in runtime.goexit ()
#8  0x000000c420263360 in ?? ()
#9  0x00000000007cf100 in crypto/elliptic.p224ZeroModP63 ()
#10 0x000000c421180ec0 in ?? ()
#11 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
Thread 151 (Thread 0x7f47457b2700 (LWP 27862)):
#0  syscall.Syscall () at /usr/local/go/src/syscall/asm_linux_amd64.s:27
#1  0x000000000047151f in syscall.Nanosleep (time=0xc4206bcc90,
#2  0x000000000060f042 in main.main.func1 (w=..., r=0xc4218cd300)
#3  0x00000000005e8974 in net/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP (f=
#4  0x00000000005ea020 in net/http.(*ServeMux).ServeHTTP (
#5  0x00000000005eafa4 in net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP (sh=..., rw=...,
#6  0x00000000005e7a5d in net/http.(*conn).serve (c=0xc42048afa0, ctx=...)
#7  0x0000000000458e31 in runtime.goexit ()
#8  0x000000c42048afa0 in ?? ()
#9  0x00000000007cf100 in crypto/elliptic.p224ZeroModP63 ()
#10 0x000000c4204fd080 in ?? ()
#11 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
// src/syscall/asm_linux_amd64.s

TEXT    ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56
        CALL    runtime·entersyscall(SB)
        MOVQ    a1+8(FP), DI
        MOVQ    a2+16(FP), SI
        MOVQ    a3+24(FP), DX
        MOVQ    $0, R10
        MOVQ    $0, R8
        MOVQ    $0, R9
        MOVQ    trap+0(FP), AX  // syscall entry
        CMPQ    AX, $0xfffffffffffff001
        JLS     ok
        MOVQ    $-1, r1+32(FP)
        MOVQ    $0, r2+40(FP)
        NEGQ    AX
        MOVQ    AX, err+48(FP)
        CALL    runtime·exitsyscall(SB)
        MOVQ    AX, r1+32(FP)
        MOVQ    DX, r2+40(FP)
        MOVQ    $0, err+48(FP)
        CALL    runtime·exitsyscall(SB)

当然,Golang 会限制这个线程数目。

// src/runtime/proc.go

func checkmcount() {
        // sched lock is held
        if sched.mcount > sched.maxmcount {
                print("runtime: program exceeds ", sched.maxmcount, "-thread limit\n")
                throw("thread exhaustion")

一般情况下,go binary 不会创建特别多的线程,但是上线的代码还是需要做一下压测,了解一下代码的实际情况。
一旦真的创建大量的线程了,Golang 目前的版本是不会回收这些空闲的线程。
不过好在 Go10/Go11 会改进这一缺点,详情请查看 issues/14592。

7. 总结

本文粗粒度地介绍了 Golang Goroutine Scheduler 的工作流程,并没有涉及到垃圾回收,Netpoll 以及 Channel Send/Receive 对调度的影响,希望能让读者有个大体的认识。


8. Reference