const (
MinUint uint = 0 // binary: all zeroes
// Perform a bitwise NOT to change every bit from 0 to 1
MaxUint = ^MinUint // binary: all ones
// Shift the binary number to the right (i.e. divide by two)
// to change the high bit to 0
MaxInt = int(MaxUint >> 1) // binary: all ones except high bit
// Perform another bitwise NOT to change the high bit to 1 and
// all other bits to 0
MinInt = ^MaxInt // binary: all zeroes except high bit
最后两个步骤之所以有效,是因为正数和负数在二的补码运算中的表示方式。Numeric types上的Go语言规范部分向读者推荐了相关的Wikipedia article。我没有读过这本书,但我确实从Code by Charles Petzold一书中了解到了two的补充,这是一本非常容易理解的计算机和编码基础入门。
我将上面的代码(减去大部分注释)放入一个小integer math package中。