我在时间转换上遇到了麻烦。10秒的时间我必须把下面这些转移到 Golang:

Deciseconds fits into 36 bits with enough precision to record a user's consent action timing. Javascript: Math.round((new Date()).getTime()/100)



// ReadTime reads the next 36 bits representing the epoch time in deciseconds
// and converts it to a time.Time.
func (r *ConsentReader) ReadTime() time.Time {
    var ds = int64(r.ReadBits(36))
    return time.Unix(ds/dsPerS, (ds%dsPerS)*nsPerDs).UTC()


func (b bit) setDateToDeciseconds(startInclusive int, size int, t time.Time) {
    deciseconds := int32(t.Unix() / 1000)
    b.setNumberInt32(startInclusive, size, deciseconds)

func (b bit) setNumberInt32(startInclusive int, size int, to int32) {
    for i := size - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        index := startInclusive + i
        byteIndex := index / 8
        shift := uint((byteIndex+1)*8 - index - 1)
        b[byteIndex] |= byte((to % 2) << shift)
        to /= 2
1970-01-02 18:26:11.4 +0000 UTC