Go 1.5发布后,其包含一个特性:可以编译生成C语言动态链接库或静态库。本文给出了示例代码和用法。

go build和go install命令,可以使用参数 -buildmode 来指定生成哪种类型的二进制目标文件。请见https://golang.org/cmd/go/#Description of build modes 详细说明。

当前我们使用 -buildmode=c-archive 来示例和测试。


// file hello.go

package main

port "C"

import "fmt"

//export SayHello

func SayHello(name string) {

fmt.Printf("func in Golang SayHello says: Hello, %s!\n", name)


//export SayHelloByte

func SayHelloByte(name []byte) {

fmt.Printf("func in Golang SayHelloByte says: Hello, %s!\n", string(name))


//export SayBye

func SayBye() {

fmt.Println("func in Golang SayBye says: Bye!")


func main() {

// We need the main function to make possible

// CGO compiler to compile the package as C shared library


使用命令go build -buildmode=c-archive -o libhello.a hello.go可以生成一个C语言静态库libhello.a和头文件libhello.h。 然后我们再写个C语言程序来调用这个库,如下:

// file hello.c


#include "libhello.h"

int main() {

printf("This is a C Application.\n");

GoString name = {(char*)"Jane", 4};


GoSlice buf = {(void*)"Jane", 4, 4};



return 0;


使用命令gcc -o hello hello.c libhello.a -pthread来编译生成一个可执行文件hello。执行命令如下:

$ go build -buildmode=c-archive -o libhello.a hello.go

$ gcc -o hello hello.c libhello.a -pthread

$ ./hello

This is a C Application.

func in Golang SayHello says: Hello, Jane!

func in Golang SayHelloByte says: Hello, Jane!

func in Golang SayBye says: Bye!

