package main import ( "context" "fmt" "log" "" "" "" ) // You will be using this Trainer type later in the program type Trainer struct { Name string Age int City string } func main() { // Rest of the code will go here // Set client options 设置连接参数 clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://") // Connect to MongoDB 连接数据库 client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), clientOptions) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Check the connection 测试连接 err = client.Ping(context.TODO(), nil) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println("Connected to MongoDB!") collection := client.Database("test").Collection("trainers") ash := Trainer{"Ash", 10, "Pallet Town"} misty := Trainer{"Misty", 10, "Cerulean City"} brock := Trainer{"Brock", 15, "Pewter City"} insertResult, err := collection.InsertOne(context.TODO(), ash) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println("Inserted a single document: ", insertResult.InsertedID) // 插入多个文档数据 trainers := []interface{}{misty, brock} insertManyResult, err := collection.InsertMany(context.TODO(), trainers) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println("Inserted multiple documents: ", insertManyResult.InsertedIDs) // 更新文档 filter := bson.D{{"name", "Ash"}} // 年龄加1,$inc 可能是运算符 update := bson.D{ {"$inc", bson.D{ {"age", 1}, }}, } updateResult, err := collection.UpdateOne(context.TODO(), filter, update) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("Matched %v documents and updated %v documents.\n", updateResult.MatchedCount, updateResult.ModifiedCount) // 查找Find // create a value into which the result can be decoded var result Trainer err = collection.FindOne(context.TODO(), filter).Decode(&result) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("Found a single document: %+v\n", result) // 查找多个文档 // Pass these options to the Find method,指定查询记录的条数 findOptions := options.Find() findOptions.SetLimit(2) // Here's an array in which you can store the decoded documents var results []*Trainer // Passing bson.D{{}} as the filter matches all documents in the collection // bson.D{{}} 相当没有条件 cur, err := collection.Find(context.TODO(), bson.D{{}}, findOptions) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Finding multiple documents returns a cursor // Iterating through the cursor allows us to decode documents one at a time // 通过游标遍历记录 for cur.Next(context.TODO()) { // create a value into which the single document can be decoded var elem Trainer err := cur.Decode(&elem) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } results = append(results, &elem) } if err := cur.Err(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Close the cursor once finished cur.Close(context.TODO()) fmt.Printf("Found multiple documents (array of pointers): %+v\n", results) // 删除所有的记录 deleteResult, err := collection.DeleteMany(context.TODO(), bson.D{{}}) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("Deleted %v documents in the trainers collection\n", deleteResult.DeletedCount) // 断开连接 err = client.Disconnect(context.TODO()) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Println("Connection to MongoDB closed.") }