

I wrote a web chat app, using websockets. It uses one connection per page to push new messages to online users.

onlineUser = map[int] *websocket.Conn

I am very worried about the map when 1,000,000 pages are open.


Erlang's inner database can be used to store an erlang socket.


1,000,000 concurrent users is a nice problem to have. :)

Your primary problem is that the websocket spec requires the connection to be maintained open. This means that you can't serialize and cache them.

However, if you could GOB encode them, and every user sent one message a second (unrealistically high IMO) a million GOB decodes per second isn't going to dominate your load.

Also a map can easily handle a million entries.

If you really want to worry about future scaling, figure out how to get two instances of your application to work together on the load. Then increase that to N instances.
