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本套灰猩猩C4D教程Greyscalegorilla – Guide to Cinema 4D C4D R20/R21/S22 Training/Project分为C4D R20、C4D R21、C4D R22,本套是C4D R20的Projects和Training.全面讲解C4D的域、节点、多种力场、倒角、文件导入、建模、新功能介绍等多方面的知识。通过多个具体项目案例,讲解C4D的新功能和特色,学习粒子流体,包括灯光和渲染技巧,学习融化液体文字案例,金属机器案例,随机色彩应用等多个项目案例。
The Greyscalegorilla Guide to Cinema 4D brings you up to date with the newest releases of C4D. Learn about features like Fields, Nodes, Volumes, Field Force, Caps and Bevels, CAD Imports, Modeling, and so much more.16+ hours guiding you through the latest Cinema 4D releases (now including R20 R21 R22) to show you everything you need to know about new features and tools.
A Simple 3D Animation from Start to Finish. Moving Around and Affecting Objects. Manipulating Objects. Building Hierarchies and Adding Tags. Intro To Cinema 4D Dynamics. Deforming Objects. Basics of Lighting. Intro To C4D Materials and Textures. Applying C4D Materials. Modeling with Splines and Nurbs. More Mograph Objects. Intro To Cinema 4D Modeling. Generator Modeling Tools. C4D Environments. Intro to C4D Animation. Intro To C4D Rendering.

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