func TheFunc(in []string) []string
extern GoSlice TheFunc(GoSlice p0);
typedef struct { void *data; GoInt len; GoInt cap; } GoSlice;
// #include <stdlib.h>
import "C"
import "unsafe"
//export CTheFunc
func CTheFunc(in **C.char, len C.int, out ***C.char) {
inSlice := make([]string, int(len))
// We need to do some pointer arithmetic.
start := unsafe.Pointer(in)
pointerSize := unsafe.Sizeof(in)
for i := 0; i< int(len); i++ {
// Copy each input string into a Go string and add it to the slice.
pointer := (**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(start) + uintptr(i)*pointerSize))
inSlice[i] = C.GoString(*pointer)
// Call the real function.
resultSlice := TheFunc(inSlice)
// Allocate an array for the string pointers.
outArray := (C.malloc(C.ulong(len) * C.ulong(pointerSize)))
// Make the output variable point to this array.
*out = (**C.char)(outArray)
// Note this is assuming the input and output arrays are the same size.
for i := 0; i< int(len); i++ {
// Find where to store the address of the next string.
pointer := (**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(outArray) + uintptr(i)*pointerSize))
// Copy each output string to a C string, and add it to the array.
// C.CString uses malloc to allocate memory.
*pointer = C.CString(resultSlice[i])
extern void CDouble(char** p0, int p1, char*** p2);
require 'ffi'
# We need this to be able to use free to tidy up.
class CLib
extend FFI::Library
ffi_lib FFI::Library::LIBC
attach_function :free, [:pointer], :void
class GoCaller
extend FFI::Library
ffi_lib "myamazinggolibrary.so"
POINTER_SIZE = FFI.type_size(:pointer)
attach_function :CTheFunc, [:pointer, :int, :pointer], :void
# Wrapper method that prepares the data and calls the Go function.
def self.the_func(ary)
# Allocate a buffer to hold the input pointers.
in_ptr = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:pointer, ary.length)
# Copy the input strings to C strings, and write the pointers to in_ptr.
in_ptr.write_array_of_pointer(ary.map {|s| FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(s)})
# Allocate some memory to receive the address of the output array.
out_var = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:pointer)
# Call the actual function.
CTheFunc(in_ptr, ary.length, out_var)
# Follow the pointer in out_var, and convert to an array of Ruby strings.
# This is the return value.
out_var.read_pointer.get_array_of_string(0, ary.length)
# Free the memory allocated in the Go code. We don’t need to free
# the memory in the MemoryPointers, it is done automatically.
out_var.read_pointer.get_array_of_pointer(0, ary.length).each {|p| CLib.free(p)}