I am trying to convert this json-format string into an actual json object in GOLANG.

{"predictions": [{"predictions": [4492.0]}, {"predictions": [4515.84716796875]}, {"predictions": [4464.86083984375]}]}

Basically, it is a dictionary with a key "predictions" and the value es an array of dictionaries (each dictionary is has as a key "predictions" and a value an 1-element float array. I created two structure (one for the first dictionary and the other one for the array of dictionaries), but I can't fit the string json to my structure. I am not sure what I am missing

package main

import (

type dataPredictions struct {
    SinglePredictions *SinglePredictions `json:"predictions"`

type SinglePredictions struct {
    Predictions []map[string]int `json:predictions`

func main() {

    s := `{"predictions": [{"predictions": [4492.0]}, {"predictions": [4515.84716796875]}, {"predictions": [4464.86083984375]}]}`

    data := &dataPredictions{
        SinglePredictions: &SinglePredictions{},
    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), data)
  s2, _ := json.Marshal(data)


The error I get is below.

json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field dataPredictions.predictions of type main.SinglePredictions