


package proxy

import (

type UserFinder interface {
	FindUser(id int32) (User, error)

type User struct {
	ID int32

type UserList []User

func (t *UserList) FindUser(id int32) (User, error) {
	for i := 0; i < len(*t); i++ {
		if (*t)[i].ID == id {
			return (*t)[i], nil
	return User{}, fmt.Errorf("User %d could not be found\n", id)

type UserListProxy struct {
	SomeDatabase           UserList
	StackCache             UserList
	StackCapacity          int
	DidLastSearchUsedCache bool

func (u *UserListProxy) FindUser(id int32) (User, error) {
	user, err := u.StackCache.FindUser(id)
	if err == nil {
		fmt.Println("Returning user from cache")
		u.DidLastSearchUsedCache = true

		return user, nil
	} else {
		user, err = u.SomeDatabase.FindUser(id)
		if err != nil {
			return User{}, err
		fmt.Println("Returning  from database")
		u.DidLastSearchUsedCache = false
		return user, nil

func (t *UserList) addUser(newUser User) {
	*t = append(*t, newUser)

func (u *UserListProxy) addUserToStack(user User) {
	if len(u.StackCache) >= u.StackCapacity {
		u.StackCache = append(u.StackCache[1:], user)
	} else {



package proxy

import (

func Test_UserListProxy(t *testing.T) {
	someDatabase := UserList{}

	for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
		n := rand.Int31()
		someDatabase = append(someDatabase, User{ID: n})

	proxy := UserListProxy{
		SomeDatabase:  someDatabase,
		StackCapacity: 2,
		StackCache:    UserList{},

	knowsIDs := [3]int32{

	t.Run("FindUser - Empty cache", func(t *testing.T) {
		user, err := proxy.FindUser(knowsIDs[0])
		if err != nil {
		if user.ID != knowsIDs[0] {
			t.Error("Returned user name doesn't match with expected")
		if len(proxy.StackCache) != 1 {
			t.Error("After one successful search in an empty cache, the size of it must be one")
		if proxy.DidLastSearchUsedCache {
			t.Error("No user can be returned from an empty cache")

	t.Run("FindUser - One user, ask for the same user", func(t *testing.T) {
		user, err := proxy.FindUser(knowsIDs[0])
		if err != nil {
		if user.ID != knowsIDs[0] {
			t.Error("Returned user name doesn't match with expected")
		if len(proxy.StackCache) != 1 {
			t.Error("Cache must not grow if we asked for an object that stored on it")
		if !proxy.DidLastSearchUsedCache {
			t.Error("The user should have been returned from the cache")

	user1, err := proxy.FindUser(knowsIDs[0])
	if err != nil {

	user2, _ := proxy.FindUser(knowsIDs[1])
	if proxy.DidLastSearchUsedCache {
		t.Error("The user wasn't stored on the proxy cache yet")
	user3, _ := proxy.FindUser(knowsIDs[2])
	if proxy.DidLastSearchUsedCache {
		t.Error("The user wasn't stored on the proxy cache yet")

	for i := 0; i < len(proxy.StackCache); i++ {
		if proxy.StackCache[i].ID == user1.ID {
			t.Error("User that should be gone was found")

	if len(proxy.StackCache) != 2 {
		t.Error("After inserting 3 users the cache should no grow" +
			" more than to two")

	for _, v := range proxy.StackCache {
		if v != user2 && v != user3 {
			t.Error("A non expected user was found on the cache")