A value x is assignable to a variable of type T ("x is assignable to T") in any of these cases:
- x's type is identical to T.
- x's type V and T have identical underlying types and at least one of V or T is not a defined type.
- T is an interface type and x implements T.
- x is a bidirectional channel value, T is a channel type, x's type V and T have identical element types, and at least one of V or T is not a defined type.
- x is the predeclared identifier nil and T is a pointer, function, slice, map, channel, or interface type.
- x is an untyped constant representable by a value of type T.
概括起来就是他们的类型需要满足某种条件,或者类型相同,或者底层类型(underlying types)相同。
- 可比较,包括相等(==),和不相等(!=)
- 可排序,包括大于(>),大于等于(>=),小于(>),小于等于(<=)
- 可排序的数据类型有三种,Integer,Floating-point,和String
- 可比较的数据类型除了上述三种外,还有Boolean,Complex,Pointer,Channel,Interface,Struct,和Array
- 不可比较的数据类型包括,Slice, Map, 和Function
In any comparison, the first operand must be assignable to the type of the second operand, or vice versa.
所以两个可比较的变量,也必须满足他们或者类型相同,或者他们的底层类型(underlying types)相同。
Struct values are comparable if all their fields are comparable. Two struct values are equal if their corresponding non-blank fields are equal.
package main
import "fmt"
type T1 struct { name string }
type T2 struct { name string }
func main() {
v11 := T1 { "foo" }
v12 := T1 { "foo" }
v21 := T2 { "foo" }
v22 := T2 { "foo" }
fmt.Printf("v11 == v12 is %v\n", v11 == v12) // output: v11 == v12 is true
//fmt.Printf("v11 == v21 is %v\n", v11 == v21) // compile error, invalid operation: v11 == v21 (mismatched types T1 and T2)
//fmt.Printf("v11 == v22 is %v\n", v11 == v22) // compile error, invalid operation: v11 == v22 (mismatched types T1 and T2)
//fmt.Printf("v12 == v21 is %v\n", v12 == v21) // compile error, invalid operation: v12 == v21 (mismatched types T1 and T2)
//fmt.Printf("v12 == v22 is %v\n", v12 == v22) // compile error, invalid operation: v12 == v22 (mismatched types T1 and T2)
fmt.Printf("v21 == v22 is %v\n", v21 == v22) // output: v21 == v22 is true
package main
import "fmt"
type Int int
func main() {
var v11 int = 1
var v12 int = 1
var v21 Int = 1
var v22 Int = 1
fmt.Printf("v11 == v12 is %v\n", v11 == v12) // output: v11 == v12 is true
//fmt.Printf("v11 == v21 is %v\n", v11 == v21) // compile error, invalid operation: v11 == v21 (mismatched types int and Int)
//fmt.Printf("v11 == v22 is %v\n", v11 == v22) // compile error, invalid operation: v11 == v22 (mismatched types int and Int)
//fmt.Printf("v12 == v21 is %v\n", v12 == v21) // compile error, invalid operation: v12 == v21 (mismatched types int and Int)
//fmt.Printf("v12 == v22 is %v\n", v12 == v22) // compile error, invalid operation: v12 == v22 (mismatched types int and Int)
fmt.Printf("v21 == v22 is %v\n", v21 == v22) // output: v21 == v22 is true
package main
import "fmt"
type T1 struct { name string }
type T2 struct { name string; attrs map[string]interface{} }
func main() {
v11 := T1 { "foo" }
v12 := T1 { "foo" }
v21 := T2 { "foo", make(map[string]interface{}) }
v22 := T2 { "foo", make(map[string]interface{}) }
fmt.Printf("v11 == v12 is %v\n", v11 == v12) // output: v11 == v12 is true
fmt.Printf("v21 == v22 is %v\n", v21 == v22) // compile error: invalid operation: v21 == v22 (struct containing map[string]interface {} cannot be compared)
例子3:包含空域(Blank Field)
package main
import "fmt"
type T1 struct {
i int64
j int32
_ int32
// About blank field:
// You cannot set or get a blank field; it cannot be refered.
// You can't do it in a composite literal either.
// The only use for a blank field in a struct is for padding.
func main() {
v11 := T1 { i:10, j:10 }
v12 := T1 { i:10, j:10 }
fmt.Printf("v11 == v12 is %v\n", v11 == v12) // output: v11 == v12 is true
这个例子使用了blank field,可见struct在比较的时候是丢弃blank field的,不管blank field的值是什么;进而我们猜测,go语言内部比较struct类型的逻辑是遍历递归所有的域,针对每个域分别比较,当所有的递归域都返回true时,就返回true,当任何一个返回false时,就返回false;可见struct并不是比较对象地址,也不是比较对象内存块值,而是一个一个域遍历递归比较的,而blank field不可以引用,因而不参与比较。
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
type T1 struct { name string }
type T2 struct { name string }
func main() {
v1 := T1 { "foo" }
v2 := T2 { "foo" }
v3 := struct{ name string } {"foo"}
v4 := struct{ name string } {"foo"}
fmt.Println("v1: type=", reflect.TypeOf(v1), "value=", reflect.ValueOf(v1)) // v1: type= main.T1 value= {foo}
fmt.Println("v2: type=", reflect.TypeOf(v2), "value=", reflect.ValueOf(v2)) // v2: type= main.T2 value= {foo}
fmt.Println("v3: type=", reflect.TypeOf(v3), "value=", reflect.ValueOf(v3)) // v3: type= struct { name string } value= {foo}
fmt.Println("v4: type=", reflect.TypeOf(v4), "value=", reflect.ValueOf(v4)) // v4: type= struct { name string } value= {foo}
//fmt.Println(v1 == v2) // compiler error: invalid operation: v1 == v2 (mismatched types T1 and T2)
fmt.Println(v1 == v3) // true, why? their type is different
fmt.Println(v2 == v3) // true, why?
fmt.Println(v3 == v4) // true
Struct values are comparable if all their fields are comparable. Two struct values are equal if their corresponding non-blank fields are equal.
关于struct是否可比较,只看一点,是不是他的所有域都是可比较的,在这个例子总,只有一个域即name string,它是可比较的,所以这一条是满足的,即此struct是可比较的。
In any comparison, the first operand must be assignable to the type of the second operand, or vice versa.
- 从所有比较操作继承下来的规则,即两个变量必须是可赋值的。
- 针对struct本身的规则,即struct的所有域必须都是可比较的;注意这里并不管struct本身的定义类型。