I want to validate an openapi spec in a similar fashion as its done here : http://bigstickcarpet.com/swagger-parser/www/index.html but the difference is that Ill use GO to code the tool and its only a CLI.

I am trying to use this :

But the main problem is that the documentation is almost non existent. I came here looking for help of someone that might previously used this library and can give me a MINIMAL example of sending a file containing a spec like such and having this library to throw all the errors or warnings in a similar fashion to the online Swagger validator.

I already can read a file and do some manual validation of the fields on it but of course thats not what I need to do and its just a sample.

Additionally, as a secondary question, I want to post this same question on their GitHub repo but I get this :

enter image description here

and I have no idea how to "review" these guidelines so I can post my question.

What I have :

func validate_spec(spec string) []validator_error {
    // RULES HERE. Now I am hardcoding since this is just a dummy app. On the real app we will need to use goapenapi plus a schema validator
    var errors []validator_error
    name_regex, _ := regexp.Compile("^[a-zA-Z]+[ ][a-zA-Z]+")

    // Validate _.name field
        if ( ! gjson.Get(spec, "name").Exists() ) {
            n := validator_error{Path: "_.name", Message: "Does not exist!"}
            errors = append(errors,n)

        if gjson.Get(spec, "name").Exists() {
            if _, ok := gjson.Get(spec, "name").Value().(string); !ok {
                n := validator_error{Path: "_.name", Message: "should be a string"}
                errors = append(errors,n)
            if ( ! name_regex.MatchString(gjson.Get(spec, "name").String() ) ) {
                n := validator_error{Path: "_.name", Message: "should match " + name_regex.String()}
                errors = append(errors,n)
    // ***************************

    // Validate _.age field
        if ( ! gjson.Get(spec, "age").Exists() ) {
            n := validator_error{Path: "_.age", Message: "Does not exist!"}
            errors = append(errors,n)
        if gjson.Get(spec, "age").Exists() {
            if _, ok := gjson.Get(spec, "age").Value().(float64); !ok {
                n := validator_error{Path: "_.age", Message: "should be an int"}
                errors = append(errors,n)

    // ***************************
    return errors

What I need :

func validate_spec(spec string) []validator_error {
        // Something like this is what I am looking for. On the above example I am just hard-coding some dummy rules. I need to use the library here to get the validity of the spec being passed.
        return goopenapi.validate(spec )