
go get gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2





      当前日志文件超过MaxSize MB,就会关闭当前文件,并将其重命名,并使用原始名称创建一个新的日志文件。因此,最新的日志输出都在原始名称的文件中。



存留的历史文件名称为:name-timestamp.ext  [name是给定的文件名,timestamp是日志轮换格式的时间(2006-01-02T15-04-05.000)]




 1. 时间戳早于MaxAge天的文件都会被删除,如果MaxAge为0,则不会根据MaxAge删除日志文件

 2. MaxBackups是要保留的最大旧日志文件数,用来控制该程序日志文件的最大大小。早于MaxBackups数之前的文件都会被删除,如果MaxBackups为0,则不会根据MaxBackups进行删除日志文件

 3. 如果MaxAge 和 MaxBackups都为0,则不会删除日志文件




type Logger struct {
	// Filename is the file to write logs to.  Backup log files will be retained
	// in the same directory.  It uses <processname>-lumberjack.log in
	// os.TempDir() if empty.
	Filename string `json:"filename" yaml:"filename"`

	// MaxSize is the maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets
	// rotated. It defaults to 100 megabytes.
	MaxSize int `json:"maxsize" yaml:"maxsize"`

	// MaxAge is the maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the
	// timestamp encoded in their filename.  Note that a day is defined as 24
	// hours and may not exactly correspond to calendar days due to daylight
	// savings, leap seconds, etc. The default is not to remove old log files
	// based on age.
	MaxAge int `json:"maxage" yaml:"maxage"`

	// MaxBackups is the maximum number of old log files to retain.  The default
	// is to retain all old log files (though MaxAge may still cause them to get
	// deleted.)
	MaxBackups int `json:"maxbackups" yaml:"maxbackups"`

	// LocalTime determines if the time used for formatting the timestamps in
	// backup files is the computer's local time.  The default is to use UTC
	// time.
	LocalTime bool `json:"localtime" yaml:"localtime"`

	// Compress determines if the rotated log files should be compressed
	// using gzip.
	// 是否压缩日志文件,压缩方法gzip
	Compress bool `json:"compress" yaml:"compress"`

	size int64   //记录当前日志文件的字节数
	file *os.File  //当前的日志文件
	mu   sync.Mutex

	millCh    chan bool
	startMill sync.Once



func (l *Logger) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	defer l.mu.Unlock()

	writeLen := int64(len(p))
	if writeLen > l.max() {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf(
			"write length %d exceeds maximum file size %d", writeLen, l.max(),

	if l.file == nil {
		if err = l.openExistingOrNew(len(p)); err != nil {
			return 0, err

	if l.size+writeLen > l.max() {
		if err := l.rotate(); err != nil {
			return 0, err

	n, err = l.file.Write(p)  //将数据写入日志文件
	l.size += int64(n)

	return n, err





func (l *Logger) rotate() error {
	if err := l.close(); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := l.openNew(); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil




func (l *Logger) openNew() error {
	err := os.MkdirAll(l.dir(), 0744)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("can't make directories for new logfile: %s", err)

	name := l.filename()
	mode := os.FileMode(0644)
	info, err := os_Stat(name)  //获取当前文件的信息
	if err == nil {
		// Copy the mode off the old logfile.
		mode = info.Mode()
		// move the existing file
		newname := backupName(name, l.LocalTime)  //获取要转换的日志名称
		if err := os.Rename(name, newname); err != nil { //将当前文件重命名
			return fmt.Errorf("can't rename log file: %s", err)

		// this is a no-op anywhere but linux
		if err := chown(name, info); err != nil {  //改变linux系统下文件的权限
			return err

	// we use truncate here because this should only get called when we've moved
	// the file ourselves. if someone else creates the file in the meantime,
	// just wipe out the contents.
	f, err := os.OpenFile(name, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, mode)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("can't open new logfile: %s", err)
	l.file = f
	l.size = 0
	return nil




func (l *Logger) mill() {
	l.startMill.Do(func() {
		l.millCh = make(chan bool, 1)
		go l.millRun()
	select {
	case l.millCh <- true:

func (l *Logger) millRun() {
	for _ = range l.millCh {
		// what am I going to do, log this?
		_ = l.millRunOnce()

func (l *Logger) millRunOnce() error {
	if l.MaxBackups == 0 && l.MaxAge == 0 && !l.Compress {
		return nil

	files, err := l.oldLogFiles()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	var compress, remove []logInfo

	//MaxBackups大于0 并且 当前的文件数大于MaxBackups,说明有需要删除的日志文件
	if l.MaxBackups > 0 && l.MaxBackups < len(files) {
		preserved := make(map[string]bool)
		var remaining []logInfo
		for _, f := range files {  //遍历每一个文件
			// Only count the uncompressed log file or the
			// compressed log file, not both.
			fn := f.Name()  //获取文件名称
			if strings.HasSuffix(fn, compressSuffix) {
				fn = fn[:len(fn)-len(compressSuffix)]
			preserved[fn] = true

			if len(preserved) > l.MaxBackups {
				remove = append(remove, f)  //需要删除的文件列表
			} else {
				remaining = append(remaining, f)  //保留的文件列表
		files = remaining
	if l.MaxAge > 0 {
		diff := time.Duration(int64(24*time.Hour) * int64(l.MaxAge))
		cutoff := currentTime().Add(-1 * diff)  //需要删除的时间节点

		var remaining []logInfo
		for _, f := range files { //遍历保留的日志文件
			if f.timestamp.Before(cutoff) {  //需要删除的日志文件(超过了保留时间)
				remove = append(remove, f)  //需要删除的文件列表
			} else {
				remaining = append(remaining, f)
		files = remaining

	if l.Compress { //获取需要压缩的文件列表
		for _, f := range files {
			if !strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), compressSuffix) {
				compress = append(compress, f)

	for _, f := range remove {  //需要删除的文件列表
		errRemove := os.Remove(filepath.Join(l.dir(), f.Name()))
		if err == nil && errRemove != nil {
			err = errRemove
	for _, f := range compress {  //压缩每一个需要删除的日志文件
		fn := filepath.Join(l.dir(), f.Name())
		errCompress := compressLogFile(fn, fn+compressSuffix)
		if err == nil && errCompress != nil {
			err = errCompress

	return err

mill方法会开启一个goroutine进行处理,处理的核心方法是millRunOnce, millRunOnce方法会根据配置判断是否需要删除的历史日志文件,如果有则删除。如果配置的压缩,则会对未压缩的历史文件进行压缩。


func (l *Logger) Rotate() error {
	defer l.mu.Unlock()
	return l.rotate()




func (l *Logger) Close() error {
	defer l.mu.Unlock()
	return l.close()

// close closes the file if it is open.
func (l *Logger) close() error {
	if l.file == nil {
		return nil
	err := l.file.Close()
	l.file = nil
	return err

