

  • Unit tests should be pretty lightweight and run fast since they don’t depend on anything external to the unit of code being tested
  • The only way they can fail is by changing the unit of code they are testing




package http_request_demo

import (

func getAPIResponse(url string) (string, error) {
    var err error
    request, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    myClient := &http.Client{}
    response, err := myClient.Do(request)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    defer response.Body.Close()
    if response.StatusCode != 200 {
        return "", errors.New("response not 200!")
    bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    return string(bodyBytes), nil


  1. 构造http request
  2. 用http client发起请求
  3. 对请求动作的error进行判空、response的状态码判断、然后从body中read数据




func TestGetAPIResponse(t *testing.T) {
    var api string
    var responseBody string
    var err error

    // first test
    api = "http://www.baidu.com"
    responseBody, err = getAPIResponse(api)
    if err != nil {
        t.Errorf("first test failed! err: %v", err)
    if responseBody == "" {
        t.Errorf("first test failed! Unexpect response!")

go test跑一下,完美

=== RUN   TestGetAPIResponse
--- PASS: TestGetAPIResponse (0.10s)
coverage: 73.3% of statements
ok      github.com/linhuaqing0928/golang-demo/http_mock_demo    0.319s


但是这时候覆盖率之后73.3% 再往上提升就麻烦了,而且明显是不符合文章开头说的2个单元测试的原则


  1. 找一台服务器,上面搭建一个自己的服务 然后自己定制化的根据接收到的request内容,返回自定义的内容。 -- 这个方案确实一定程度解决了这个问题,但是存在2个问题:
  • 成本太高,需要维护一个新的服务
  • 跑UT的机器必须和这台服务器网络是通的。
  1. 从根本上解决问题,不再发起网络请求。在client发起request请求的时候,直接拦截然后进行response返回的模拟。 -- 本文的主角httpmock出现了



  1. 调用Activate方法启动httpmock环境
  2. 通过httpmock.RegisterResponder方法进行mock规则注册。
  3. 这时候再通过http client发起的请求就都会被httpmock拦截,如果匹配到刚刚注册的规则就会按照注册的内容返回对应response。 --- 这里感觉httpmock有一点不太好用,那就是如果请求没有命中规则就会错误返回,而不是走真实请求。需要把整个过程涉及到的所有请求都注册上去。
  4. 在defer里面调用DeactivateAndReset结束mock
func TestFetchArticles(t *testing.T) {
  defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()

  // Exact URL match
  httpmock.RegisterResponder("GET", "https://api.mybiz.com/articles",
    httpmock.NewStringResponder(200, `[{"id": 1, "name": "My Great Article"}]`))

  // Regexp match (could use httpmock.RegisterRegexpResponder instead)
  httpmock.RegisterResponder("GET", `=~^https://api\.mybiz\.com/articles/id/\d+\z`,
    httpmock.NewStringResponder(200, `{"id": 1, "name": "My Great Article"}`))

  // do stuff that makes a request to articles

  // get count info

  // get the amount of calls for the registered responder
  info := httpmock.GetCallCountInfo()
  info["GET https://api.mybiz.com/articles"] // number of GET calls made to https://api.mybiz.com/articles
  info["GET https://api.mybiz.com/articles/id/12"] // number of GET calls made to https://api.mybiz.com/articles/id/12
  info[`GET =~^https://api\.mybiz\.com/articles/id/\d+\z`] // number of GET calls made to https://api.mybiz.com/articles/id/<any-number>



func TestGetAPIResponse(t *testing.T) {
    var api string
    var responseBody string
    var err error

    // url nil test
    api = "://新"
    responseBody, err = getAPIResponse(api)
    if err == nil {
        t.Errorf("url nil test failed! err: %v", err)
    if responseBody != "" {
        t.Errorf("url nil test failed! Unexpect response!")

    // http mock test
    var mockResponse string
    api = "http://www.baidu.com"
    mockResponse = "mock response body"
    defer httpmock.DeactivateAndReset()
    httpmock.RegisterResponder("GET", api, httpmock.NewStringResponder(200, string(mockResponse)))
    responseBody, err = getAPIResponse(api)
    if err != nil {
        t.Errorf("second test failed! err: %v", err)
    if responseBody != mockResponse {
        t.Errorf("second test failed! Unexpect response!")

    // request fail test
    api = "http://www.baidu.com/fail"
    httpmock.RegisterResponder("GET", api,
        func(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
            return &http.Response{
                Status:        strconv.Itoa(200),
                StatusCode:    200,
                ContentLength: -1,
            }, errors.New("fail error!")
    responseBody, err = getAPIResponse(api)
    if err == nil {
        t.Errorf("request fail test failed! err: %v", err)
    if responseBody != "" {
        t.Errorf("request fail test failed! Unexpect response! response: %s", responseBody)

    // wrong status test
    api = "http://www.baidu.com/wrongstatus"
    mockResponseWrong := "mock response body"
    httpmock.RegisterResponder("GET", api, httpmock.NewStringResponder(404, string(mockResponseWrong)))
    responseBody, err = getAPIResponse(api)
    if err == nil {
        t.Errorf("wrong request test failed! err: %v", err)
    if responseBody != "" {
        t.Errorf("wrong request test failed! Unexpect response! response: %s", responseBody)
// === RUN   TestGetAPIResponse
// 2021/07/16 16:14:53 RoundTripper returned a response & error; ignoring response
// --- PASS: TestGetAPIResponse (0.00s)
// coverage: 93.3% of statements
// ok      github.com/linhuaqing0928/golang-demo/http_mock_demo    0.458s

可以看到因为可以定制化返回结果,所以我们的覆盖率能够达到93.3% 同时最重要的是,我们达到了开头说的单元测试的2个原则。


  1. Activate函数中通过http.DefaultTransport = DefaultTransport修改了所有通过http/net包发送的请求的transport
  2. DefaultTransport通过调用NewMockTransport方法实例化了一个MockTransport来代替DefaultTransport。这个MockTransport实现了http包中的RoundTripper接口。transport源码
  3. 再来看一下MockTransport的结构体和RegisterResponder注册函数:
type MockTransport struct {
    mu               sync.RWMutex
    responders       map[internal.RouteKey]Responder
    regexpResponders []regexpResponder
    noResponder      Responder
    callCountInfo    map[internal.RouteKey]int
    totalCallCount   int

func (m *MockTransport) RegisterResponder(method, url string, responder Responder) {
    if isRegexpURL(url) {
            origRx:    url,
            method:    method,
            rx:        regexp.MustCompile(url[2:]),
            responder: responder,

    key := internal.RouteKey{
        Method: method,
        URL:    url,

    m.responders[key] = responder
    m.callCountInfo[key] = 0


  • key是正则匹配的路由
  • value是则是type Responder func(http.Request) (http.Response, error)
  1. 然后RegisterResponder的时候就是往这个map里面塞内容


以上就是对http的使用和源码简单解读,大家可以看到就算引入了httpmock,最后的代码覆盖率还是达不到100% 因为bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)这个部分我们构造不了err的场景。


    // Body represents the response body.
    // The response body is streamed on demand as the Body field
    // is read. If the network connection fails or the server
    // terminates the response, Body.Read calls return an error.
    // The http Client and Transport guarantee that Body is always
    // non-nil, even on responses without a body or responses with
    // a zero-length body. It is the caller's responsibility to
    // close Body. The default HTTP client's Transport may not
    // reuse HTTP/1.x "keep-alive" TCP connections if the Body is
    // not read to completion and closed.
    // The Body is automatically dechunked if the server replied
    // with a "chunked" Transfer-Encoding.
    // As of Go 1.12, the Body will also implement io.Writer
    // on a successful "101 Switching Protocols" response,
    // as used by WebSockets and HTTP/2's "h2c" mode.
    Body io.ReadCloser

就会发现这个报错的出现场景:If the network connection fails or the server terminates the response, Body.Read calls return an error。 这个就不在我们单元测试能覆盖的范围内了,所以这个覆盖率无法满足就是合理的。