In computation theory, the Finite State Machine (FSM) is those machines that can have a finite number of states at a given time. These machines are used in our daily life such as; vending machines, elevators, traffic lights, etc. Not only in hardware these machines are used in the software also.
在计算理论中,有限状态机(FSM)是在给定时间可以具有有限数量状态的机器。 这些机器用于我们的日常生活中,例如; 自动售货机,电梯,交通信号灯等。这些机器不仅用于硬件,而且还用于软件。
什么是FSM? What is FSM?They are the process to model stateful, reactive systems i.e in behavior-driven development. FSM based programming is a powerful tool to model complicated state transitions, it could significantly simplify our programs.
它们是对有状态的React性系统进行建模的过程,即在行为驱动的开发中。 基于FSM的编程是建模复杂状态转换的强大工具,它可以大大简化我们的程序。
For a functional programming standpoint, FSM is a function that takes in four parameters; initial state, transition function, set of states, event, and then return the next state at which the machine can be.
从功能编程的角度来看,FSM是一个具有四个参数的函数。 初始状态,转换函数,状态集,事件,然后返回机器可以处于的下一个状态。

With this, we can see how our state machine function can give out the next state when we provide it with the initial state, number of states, transition function (described by the table), and event.
In automata theory, there are different types of state machines and various other state-based concepts so, for simplicity, I am only talking about the basic finite state machine.
状态说明图 FIGURE TO STATE DESCRIPTIONI know it would be better if we could directly send our diagram into the machine and it would change the state based on the diagram (like; BPMN which is also a kind of state machine built just for business process modeling)
Let’s define our struct that would be used to model our figure into code. (this description is inspired by xstate, a state charts library in JavaScript)
让我们定义将用于将图形建模为代码的结构。 (此描述的灵感来自xstate ,这是JavaScript中的状态图库)
// MachineTransition transition map
type MachineTransition struct {
To string
// TransitionMap map with transitions
type TransitionMap map[string]MachineTransition
// MachineState is State of machine
type MachineState struct {
On TransitionMap
// StateMap maps state
type StateMap map[string]MachineState
// Machine datatype
type Machine struct {
Initial string
current string
States StateMap
Here, The struct machine describes all our parameters described previously.

The switch toggling from one state to another state as described in the figure above can be described as;
machine := statemachine.Machine{
Initial: "on",
States: statemachine.StateMap{
"on": statemachine.MachineState{
On: statemachine.TransitionMap{
"TOGGLE": statemachine.MachineTransition{
To: "off",
"off": statemachine.MachineState{
On: statemachine.TransitionMap{
"TOGGLE": statemachine.MachineTransition{
To: "on",
Now we have described the machine using our format but the engine that transitions the state from one to another is still not built.
过渡引擎 TRANSITION ENGINEMachineTransitionCurrent
// IMachine machine interface
type IMachine interface {
Transition() string
Current() string
// Current returns current state
func (m *Machine) Current() string {
if m.current == "" {
return m.Initial
return m.current
// Transition transitions to next state
func (m *Machine) Transition(event string) string {
current := m.Current()
transitions := m.States[current].On
for evt := range transitions {
if evt == event {
next := transitions[evt].To
m.current = next
return next
return current
In the above code we can see that;
Now, let’s use the functions. The function can be used using;
现在,让我们使用这些功能。 该功能可以通过以下方式使用:
output := machine.Transition("TOGGLE")
and we can see that the machine has actually transitioned into another state.
最终密码 FINAL CODEFinal code of the machine description and toggling state will look like;
package main
import (
func main(){
machine := statemachine.Machine{
ID: "machine-1",
Initial: "on",
States: statemachine.StateMap{
"on": statemachine.MachineState{
On: statemachine.TransitionMap{
"TOGGLE": statemachine.MachineTransition{
To: "off",
"off": statemachine.MachineState{
On: statemachine.TransitionMap{
"TOGGLE": statemachine.MachineTransition{
To: "on",
output := machine.Transition("TOGGLE")
output := machine.Transition("TOGGLE")
output := machine.Transition("TOGGLE")
We could add some other functionality into our little FSM library like;
- External condition for the transition 过渡的外部条件
- State change listeners etc. 状态更改侦听器等
You can check out; for full code of the machine and some examples present in the repository.
您可以签出; ,其中包含机器的完整代码以及存储库中提供的一些示例。
The state description for the lock-unlock machine presented in the figure above is shown here