I'm trying to create an XML implementing the MarshalXML output. But currently i'm facing several issues.
The structure i'm using for storing the data is:
type Edition struct {
Launch string `xml:"launch" json:"launch"`
Code string `xml:"code" json:"code"`
Names []NameNode `xml:"names>name"`
Cards CardsComposition `xml:"cards" json:"cards,omitempty"`
Preconstructed PreconstructedInfo `xml:"preconstructed" json:"preconstructed,omitempty"`
Vault *struct{} `xml:"vault" json:"vault"`
Online *struct{} `xml:"online" json:"online"`
So what i did is:
func (preconstructed PreconstructedInfo) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
if (PreconstructedInfo{} == preconstructed) {
return nil
return e.EncodeElement(preconstructed, start)
And it apparently works, if I use it for encoding a single Edition entity. But if I try to encode an array of Edition entities, I get the following error:
runtime: goroutine stack exceeds 1000000000-byte limit
fatal error: stack overflow
(the array is ~200 entries)
So what I don't understand is:
- Why the stack overflow issue happens only when I try to customize the xml, that in this case is also trying to remove empty tags, so "saving space"
- What is the best way to do it? And someone can explain me how to implement a custom XML Marshaler for go? I found plenty for JSON marshal, but nearly nothing for XML)