I am new for golang. I met a problem when I use multiplication in html/template. Some code like below.
template code:
{{range $i,$e:=.Items}}
<td>{{add $i (mul .ID .Number)}}</td>
.go code
type Item struct{
ID int
Name string
func init() {
Funcs(template.FuncMap{"mul": Mul, "add": Add}).
func itemHandle(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
data := struct {
Items []Item
Number int
Number2 int
Items: items,
Number: 5,
Number2: 2,
itemtpl.Execute(w, data)
func Mul(param1 int, param2 int) int {
return param1 * param2
func Add(param1 int, param2 int) int {
return param1 + param2
It will output nothing when I use the code above. But It will output 10 when I use the code outside of array below.
{{mul .Number .Number2}}
I google a lot. I cannot find the usable like mine. I want to use multiplication in array inside of html/template. Can someone tell me what is wrong with my code?