type Sortable interface {
Len() int
Less(i, j int) bool
Swap(i, j int)
- Len:返回slice长度
- Less:判断第一个下标的值是否小于第二个下标的值
- Swap:两个下标的值互相交换
type Comparable interface {
LessThan(other Comparable) bool
- LessThan:比较两个Comparable元素,判断当前的元素是否小于给定的元素
type Slice []Comparable
type Slice []Comparable
func (c Slice) Len() int {
return len(c)
func (c Slice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return c[i].LessThan(c[j])
func (c Slice) Swap(i, j int) {
c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i]
// 定义我们的自定义元素
type Person struct {
Age int
// 实现Comparable接口
func (p Person) LessThan(other gosort.Comparable) bool {
// 这里需要转换类型
person, ok := other.(Person)
if !ok {
return false
return p.Age < person.Age
// 最后定义slice即可,可以使用go原生slice的所有方法
var people gosort.Slice
people = append(people, Person{Age: 10})
type IntSlice []int
func (slice IntSlice) Len() int {
return len(slice)
func (slice IntSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return slice[i] < slice[j]
func (slice IntSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
slice[i], slice[j] = slice[j], slice[i]
type SortFunc func(sortable Sortable)
type algorithm string
const (
SortAlgorithmQuicksort algorithm = "quicksort"
SortAlgorithmSelectionSort algorithm = "selectionsort"
SortAlgorithmBubbleSort algorithm = "bubblesort"
SortAlgorithmHeapSort algorithm = "heapsort"
// 这里充当value的SortFunc我们将会在文档后续实现
var sorts = map[algorithm]SortFunc{
SortAlgorithmQuicksort: QuickSort,
SortAlgorithmSelectionSort: SelectionSort,
SortAlgorithmBubbleSort: BubbleSort,
SortAlgorithmHeapSort: HeapSort,
// 用户传入列表和算法类型,我们直接调用即可,算法类型只能使用我们定义的常量
func Sort(list Sortable, alg algorithm) {
// BubbleSort sorts the Sortable using bubble sort algorithm
func BubbleSort(list Sortable) {
func bubbleSort(list Sortable) {
for i := 0; i < list.Len()-1; i++ {
for j := i + 1; j < list.Len(); j++ {
if list.Less(j, i) {
list.Swap(i, j)
// SelectionSort sorts the Sortable using selection sort algorithm
func SelectionSort(list Sortable) {
func selectionSort(list Sortable) {
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
minIdx := i
for j := i; j < list.Len(); j++ {
if list.Less(j, minIdx) {
minIdx = j
list.Swap(i, minIdx)
// QuickSort sorts the Sortable using quicksort algorithm
func QuickSort(list Sortable) {
quicksort(0, list.Len(), list)
func quicksort(low, high int, list Sortable) {
if low >= high {
var (
i, j, p = low, high - 1, low
for {
for i < list.Len() && !list.Less(p, i) {
for j >= 0 && list.Less(p, j) {
if i >= j {
list.Swap(i, j)
list.Swap(p, j)
quicksort(low, j, list)
quicksort(j+1, high, list)
// HeapSort sorts the Sortable using heapsort algorithm
func HeapSort(list Sortable) {
func heapsort(list Sortable) {
for i := list.Len()/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
heapify(list, list.Len(), i)
for i := list.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
list.Swap(0, i)
heapify(list, i, 0)
func heapify(list Sortable, length int, rootIdx int) {
var (
largest = rootIdx
left = 2*rootIdx + 1
right = 2*rootIdx + 2
if left < length && list.Less(largest, left) {
largest = left
if right < length && list.Less(largest, right) {
largest = right
if largest != rootIdx {
list.Swap(rootIdx, largest)
heapify(list, length, largest)
type Person struct {
Age int
type Item struct {
Price int
func (p Person) LessThan(other gosort.Comparable) bool {
person, ok := other.(Person)
if !ok {
return false
return p.Age < person.Age
func (i Item) LessThan(other gosort.Comparable) bool {
item, ok := other.(Item)
if !ok {
return false
return i.Price < item.Price
func main() {
var intSl gosort.IntSlice
intSl = append(intSl, []int{2, 4, 3, 7, 10, 3, 0, 3, 6}...)
fmt.Printf("intSlice before sort: %v\n", intSl)
gosort.Sort(intSl, gosort.SortAlgorithmBubbleSort)
fmt.Printf("intSlice after bubble sort: %v\n", intSl)
var floatSlice gosort.Float64Slice
floatSlice = append(floatSlice, []float64{1.9, 7.2, 3.4, 0.5, 5.7}...)
fmt.Printf("floatSlice before sort: %v\n", floatSlice)
gosort.Sort(floatSlice, gosort.SortAlgorithmSelectionSort)
fmt.Printf("floatSlice after selection sort: %v\n", floatSlice)
var people gosort.Slice
people = append(people, Person{10})
people = append(people, Person{3})
people = append(people, Person{7})
fmt.Printf("people before sort: %v\n", people)
gosort.Sort(people, gosort.SortAlgorithmQuicksort)
fmt.Printf("intSlice after selection sort: %v\n", people)
var items gosort.Slice
items = append(items, Item{15})
items = append(items, Item{8})
items = append(items, Item{20})
fmt.Printf("items before sort: %v\n", items)
gosort.Sort(items, gosort.SortAlgorithmHeapSort)
fmt.Printf("intSlice after heap sort: %v\n", items)
➜ go-sorts go run main.go
intSlice before sort: [2 4 3 7 10 3 0 3 6]
intSlice after bubble sort: [0 2 3 3 3 4 6 7 10]
floatSlice before sort: [1.9 7.2 3.4 0.5 5.7]
floatSlice after selection sort: [0.5 1.9 3.4 5.7 7.2]
people before sort: [{10} {3} {7}]
intSlice after selection sort: [{3} {7} {10}]
items before sort: [{15} {8} {20}]
intSlice after heap sort: [{8} {15} {20}]