
我正在使用带有 Android Studio 的新 VS Android 模拟器:

I'm using the new VS Android Emulator with Android Studio:

它没有安装 Google Play 服务...所以我按照本指南进行安装:

It doesn't have Google Play Services installed... so I'm following this guide to install:

我已经下载了正确的 Gapps 文件(就我而言):

I've downloaded the proper Gapps file (in my case):

现在我已经将 ZIP 文件拖放到模拟器上……它只是停留在复制文件"处……为了安装 Gapps,我还需要在这里做些什么吗?这种安装"通常需要多长时间?

Now I've dragged and dropped the ZIP file onto the emulator... and it's just stalled at "copying file"... Is there anything else I need to be doing here in order to get Gapps installed? How long does this "install" usually take?



I was trying it out yesterday myself and had the same problem. Apparently, non of the drag and drop functionality worked. So this, is what I did to resolve the issue:

从 SD 卡中拉取推送到 SD 卡sdkplatform-toolsadb devicesadb connect :5555adb shellls/sdcard/Downloadinstall_zip.sh/sdcard/Download/.zip
Pull from SD cardPush to SD cardsdkplatform-toolsadb devicesadb connect :5555adb shellls /sdcard/Downloadinstall_zip.sh /sdcard/Download/.zip


Hope this helps in resolving the issue.

这篇关于适用于 Android 的 Visual Studio 模拟器 - 安装 Gapps(Google Play 服务)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持IT屋!