I have been working for the past 15hrs trying to combine pitures so that it can have the same aspect like that of nametest

my attempts In golang , i have succeeded to combine two pictures by creating a bigger pictures and pasting the smaller pictures side by

src1, err := imaging.Open("public/images/g8.jpg")
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Open failed: %v", err)

src2, err := imaging.Open("public/images/f2.jpg")
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Open failed: %v", err)
dstImage1 := imaging.Resize(src1, 256, 256, imaging.Lanczos)
dstImage2 := imaging.Resize(src2, 256, 256, imaging.Lanczos)

    dst := imaging.New(512, 256, color.NRGBA{0, 0, 0, 0})
    dst = imaging.Paste(dst, dstImage1, image.Pt(0, 0))

    dst = imaging.Paste(dst, dstImage2, image.Pt(256, 0)

err = imaging.Save(dst, "public/images/g8.jpg")
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Save failed: %v", err)

With this code, i was able to realise something like this http://scholar.myquotes.site/vaumi1.jpg (sorry, i am not yet allowed to post images) but it is clear that they are two completely different pictures, I want to be able to brush the meeting point of the images in such a way that there is no clear meeting part . In short i want a result like this one http://scholar.myquotes.site/vaumi.jpg thanks