国内大多数GPS追踪/定位 平台都是基于opengts 二次开发的,opengts 是一款开源的gps 跟踪软件。


OpenGTS ™(“GPS跟踪系统”)是第一个可用的开源项目,专门提供基于网络的 GPS 跟踪服务。 迄今为止,OpenGTS™已被下载并投入了使用于95个国家。车辆和跟踪资产类型包括出租车,送货面包车,卡车/拖车,农用设备,个人车辆,服务车辆,集装箱,船舶,全地形车,专人跟踪,手机等。 虽然OpenGTS ™设计以填补需求入门级船队跟踪系统为主,它也是非常高度可配置和可扩展性以及规模较大的框架。



需求:一台具有公网ip 的电脑,这里我使用的virtwire 的廉价VPS。 系统采用的是Ubuntu,尝试在centos上安装,在安装jave jdk 的时候遇到点问题,由于对Centos 和Java 都不是很熟悉,就在网上查找,发现一篇在Ubuntu上安装的教程,按部就班安装,一切OK。

最小配置:硬盘 2GB ,内存64MB


install opengts in ubuntu system:

# sudo apt-get update

Install required software packages:

$ sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server libmysql-java wget curl unzip ant

Provide mysql password during installation.

Start Mysql and apache2 services:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start


loggerbsdutilsapt-get --reinstall install bsdutilsaptitude reinstall bsdutils

$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start

Install openjdk: 安装jdk6 为好,后面对应7的需要修改成6

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk


Download and install Apache Tomcat version 7-x-x.

$ wget -c http://apache.mirror.uber.com.au/tomcat/tomcat-7/v7.0.65/bin/apache-tomcat-7.0.65.zip

上面这个链接已经失效了,请到 http://download.csdn.net/detail/duanfei255/9572008

Extract tomcat package and copy everything to /usr/local/ directory.

$ sudo unzip apache-tomcat-7.0.65.zip

$ sudo cp -av apache-tomcat-7.0.65 /usr/local/

Define CATALINA_HOME environment and run the startup script.

$ export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.65/

echo "export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.65/" >> ~/.bashrc

$ cd /usr/local

$ sudo ln -s $CATALINA_HOME tomcat

$ cd /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.65/bin

$ chmod a+x *.sh

$ ./startup.sh

$ sudo ln -s $CATALINA_HOME /usr/local/tomcat

Define JAVA_HOME environment:

$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64

$ echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64" >> ~/.bashrc

$ sudo ln -s $JAVA_HOME /usr/local/java

Configure JAVA mail setup and Java Connector:

First Download and setup mysql Java connector, extract package and copy mysql java connector to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext folder

$ cd /tmp/ && wget http://cdn.mysql.com//Downloads/Connector-J/mysql-connector-java-5.1.37.tar.gz


$ tar -xvf mysql-connector-java-5.1.37.tar.gz

$ cd mysql-connector-java-5.1.37

$ sudo cp mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext

Now download and configure Java mail setup and copy that downloaded .jar file to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext folder.

$ cd /tmp/ && wget https://maven.java.net/content/repositories/releases/com/sun/mail/javax.mail/1.5.4/javax.mail-1.5.4.jar

$sudo cp javax.mail-1.5.4.jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/

Rename javax.mail-1.5.4.jar to javax.mail.jar:

$ mv $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/javax.mail-1.5.4.jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/javax.mail.jar

Download OpenGTS:

$ cd /tmp && wget http://ncu.dl.sourceforge.net/project/opengts/server-base/2.6.0/OpenGTS_2.6.0.zip

Extract package to /usr/local folder:

$ sudo unzip OpenGTS_2.6.0.zip -d /usr/local/

Set up GTS_HOME environment:

$ export GTS_HOME=/usr/local/OpenGTS_2.6.0/

$ echo "export GTS_HOME=/usr/local/OpenGTS_2.6.0" >> ~/.bashrc

$ sudo ln -s $GTS_HOME /usr/local/gts

Change ownership for user currently logged in before running next command:

$ sudo chown -R unixmen:sudo /usr/local/OpenGTS_2.6.0/

Now change directory to $GTS_HOME and run following command:

&& ant all

If everything goes smooth, output will be something like below.

Define database user name and password (Note that we are still in $GTS_HOME).

$ bin/initdb.sh -rootUser=root -rootPass=password

Sample output:

Run ant track command which will create a file named track.war, we have to copy that file to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps folder.

$ ant track

Sample output:

$ cp $GTS_HOME/build/track.war /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.65/webapps/ Before moving ahead stop and restart apache tomcat again $ $CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh$ $CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh

Open browser and type http://<ip_address>:8080/track/Track

Oops, we have not create a sysadmin account required to login the server, let us create it first.

$ cd $GTS_HOME/bin$ ./admin.sh Account -account=unixmen -pass=unixmen -create

Sample output

Now Provide these credentials and login

A welcome screen will appear:

Now installation and configuration part is over at this stage, configure your GPS tracking devices and you can use them with Open GTS.


Track application configuration

  • Login to track application as sysadmin
  • Use System Admin – System Accounts to create new account ‘acct’ with a password of your choice
  • Logout and login as user ‘acct’
  • In Administration – Vehicle Admin add new device ‘dev’. Optionally edit it and set Unique ID to ‘dev’.
  • You should see your device location on the map in Mapping – Vehicle Map right after the first packet from your phone is sent in and accepted.

In the command line edit $GTS_HOME/webapp.conf. There is a section ‘GPS2OpenGTS configuration’ there. Set or uncomment these 2 lines:


Rebuild and redeploy track and gprmc applications:

ant track && ant track.deploy && ant gprmc && ant gprmc.deploy
ant track
ant gprmc
cp those two in ...(add later)

For debugging purposes you may also try calling the URL with a browser or curl like:


As per my knowledge very fewer documentations related to OpenGTS installation are available, but official documentation will be sufficient to configure it. One problem which was faced by me during installation process is that OpenGTS show error when it was configured with latest version of Apache Tomcat.

It is recommended that you should use Apache tomcat version 7.0.x for that purpose. Although this practical guide was tested in Mint Linux 17 , but I believe that it will also work with Ubuntu 14.04/15.10.

change the map provider(recomand google map)


vi private.xml

than ant track

ant track

everything ok, ant pass, copy track.war to tomacat/webapps

sudo cp $GTS_HOME/build/track.war /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.65/webapps/

reboot computer...

start tomacat


if use google map, should change the map.google.com to map.google.cn in code base(google.com is blocked by greet wall)

fix gprmc.war bug(may better ways)

when i use gprmc.war, sometime there is a error location in the map with wrong time and location!

this may be a error caused by gprmc.war interpreted error,this error occur very random.

fixed method:

add a line in gprmc  only accept the point in china!--this can not eliminate the random error,but can reduce remarkable!

if(latitude >54 || latitude <3 || longitude >136 ||longitude <73)

   return; // not in china


/*create/insert new event record*/

  • 重新编译

    ant clean 
    ant all

  • 安装

    • 复制 track.war 到tomat目录下的 webapps 下

      cd $GTS_HOME

      cp build/gprmc.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/.

    • 或者用 ant 安装

      cd $GTS_HOME 
      ant gprmc.deploy

  • 设备端软件 


默认地图提供者是:openLayers 。现在需要改成 google 。需要修改配置文件 $GTS_HOME/private.xml 。

vim $GTS_HOME/private.xml

找到包含 google 的标签 MapProvider。修改:

<MapProvider name="googleMaps"

把 active=”${Domain.MapProvider.active=false}” 改成:active=”${Domain.MapProvider.active=true}” 
注意,原代码中用的是 maps.google.com 域名,被天朝限制了。需要把它替换成: www.google.cn

vim $GTS_HOME\src\org\opengts\war\maps\jsmap\GoogleMaps.java

把其中的 maps.google.com 替换成 www.google.cn

Have fun!!