"fmt" "golang.org/x/text/encoding/simplifiedchinese" "golang.org/x/text/encoding/traditionalchinese" "golang.org/x/text/transform" "io/ioutil" //convert GBK to UTF-8 func DecodeGBK(s []byte) ([]byte, error) { I := bytes.NewReader(s) O := transform.NewReader(I, simplifiedchinese.GBK.NewDecoder()) d, e := ioutil.ReadAll(O) if e != nil { return nil, e return d, nil //convert UTF-8 to GBK func EncodeGBK(s []byte) ([]byte, error) { I := bytes.NewReader(s) O := transform.NewReader(I, simplifiedchinese.GBK.NewEncoder()) d, e := ioutil.ReadAll(O) if e != nil { return nil, e return d, nil //convert BIG5 to UTF-8 func DecodeBig5(s []byte) ([]byte, error) { I := bytes.NewReader(s) O := transform.NewReader(I, traditionalchinese.Big5.NewDecoder()) d, e := ioutil.ReadAll(O) if e != nil { return nil, e return d, nil //convert UTF-8 to BIG5 func EncodeBig5(s []byte) ([]byte, error) { I := bytes.NewReader(s) O := transform.NewReader(I, traditionalchinese.Big5.NewEncoder()) d, e := ioutil.ReadAll(O) if e != nil { return nil, e return d, nil func main() { utf8Byte := []byte("UTF-8字符包子") fmt.Println(string(utf8Byte)) // UTF-8 转 BIG5 s, _ := EncodeBig5(utf8Byte) fmt.Println(string(s)) // BIG5 转 UTF-8 s, _ = DecodeBig5(s) fmt.Println(string(s)) // UTF-8 转 GBK s, _ = EncodeGBK(s) fmt.Println(string(s)) // GBK 转 UTF-8 s, _ = DecodeGBK(s) fmt.Println(string(s))