


-- union

(select CityID,CityName from t_city where CityID between 6 and 10)


(select ProName,ProID from t_province where ProID between 6 and 10);


select count(*) from t_city;


select count(*) from t_city where ProID = (

select ProID from t_province where ProName = '河北省'



select ProID,count(CityID) from t_city

group by ProID;


select ProID,max(CityID) from t_city

group by ProID;


select ProID,count(CityID) as cityCount from t_city

group by ProID

order by cityCount desc

limit 10;


select CityID,count(Id) as disCount from t_district

group by CityID

order by disCount desc

limit 10;


select CityID,count(Id) as disCount from t_district

group by CityID

having disCount > 19

order by disCount desc;


-- 子查询实现

select * from t_city where CityID



select CityID from


select CityID,count(Id) as disCount from t_district

group by CityID

having disCount > 19

order by disCount desc




-- join



select td.CityID,tc.CityName,count(td.Id) discount

from t_district td join t_city tc on td.CityID=tc.CityID

group by CityID

order by discount desc limit 20;


insert into t_district(DisName,CityID)





insert into t_city(CityName,CityID)




select tc.CityID,tc.CityName,count(td.Id) discount

from t_district td left join t_city tc on td.CityID=tc.CityID

group by td.CityID

order by tc.CityID desc;


select * from t_district where CityID = (

select CityID from t_city where CityName = '北京市'


select td.CityID,DisName,CityName

from t_district td join t_city tc on td.CityID = tc.CityID

where CityName = "北京市";


/*select count(CityID) from t_district where CityID = (

select CityID from t_city where CityName = '北京市'


select count(td.DisName)

from t_district td join t_city tc on td.CityID = tc.CityID

where tc.CityName = "北京市";


select tc.ProID,count(CityID) cc,ProName

from t_city tc join t_province tp on tc.ProID = tp.ProID

group by tc.ProID

order by cc desc limit 1;




-- 你家乡所在的省份拥有哪些宜居城市

select ProName,CityName

from t_city tc join t_province tp on tc.ProID = tp.ProID

where CityName in ("宁波市","银川市","哈尔滨市","宜春市","宜昌市","咸阳市","芜湖市","泰州市","绥芬河市","秦皇岛市","南通市","南京市","昆明市","桂林市","丹东市","大连市","长沙市","包头市","遂宁市","绵阳市","河州市")

and ProName = '黑龙江省';


select fuck.CityID,CityName,count(fuck.DisName) cfd


select * from t_district where DisName like '%旗'

)fuck join t_city on fuck.CityID = t_city.CityID

group by fuck.CityID

order by cfd desc limit 1;


select distinct ProRemark from t_province;


select count(*) from t_district where DisName like '%市';

-- 查询叫X县的地级市

select * from t_city where CityName like '%县';


select ProName,CityName,DisName from

(t_district td join t_city tc on td.CityID = tc.CityID

join t_province tp on tc.ProID = tp.ProID)

where tp.ProName = '安徽省' and DisName like '%市';


select tp.ProName,count(td.DisName) cd

from t_province tp join t_city tc on tp.ProID = tc.ProID join t_district td on tc.CityID = td.CityID

where td.DisName like '%市'

group by tp.ProID

order by cd desc;

欧阳桫老师博客:https://blog.csdn.net/u010986776 ``

欧阳桫老师博客:https://blog.csdn.net/u010986776 ``

欧阳桫老师博客:https://blog.csdn.net/u010986776 ``




