// utc life
loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("UTC") // setup a start and end time
createdAt := time.Now().In(loc).Add(1 * time.Hour)
expiresAt := time.Now().In(loc).Add(4 * time.Hour) // get the diff
diff := expiresAt.Sub(createdAt)
fmt.Printf("Lifespan is %+v", diff)


Check If a Date/Time Has Been Set with IsZero
Feb 16, 2019 · 175 words · 1 minute read
0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
package main

import (
) func main() { var myDate time.Time // IsZero returns a bool of whether a date has been set, but as the printf shows it will
// still print a zero-based date if it hasn't been set.
if myDate.IsZero() {
fmt.Printf("No date has been set, %s\n", myDate)
} // Demonstrating that by setting a date, IsZero now returns false
myDate = time.Date(2019, time.February, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
if !myDate.IsZero() {
fmt.Printf("A date has been set, %s\n", myDate)

Use the time package to work with time information in Go.

Play example:

package main

import (
) func inTimeSpan(start, end, check time.Time) bool {
return check.After(start) && check.Before(end)
} func main() {
start, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC822, "01 Jan 15 10:00 UTC")
end, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC822, "01 Jan 16 10:00 UTC") in, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC822, "01 Jan 15 20:00 UTC")
out, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC822, "01 Jan 17 10:00 UTC") if inTimeSpan(start, end, in) {
fmt.Println(in, "is between", start, "and", end, ".")
} if !inTimeSpan(start, end, out) {
fmt.Println(out, "is not between", start, "and", end, ".")