我尝试清除播放存储缓存,数据,并多次重置手机. 在我的Xiaami Redmi注意事项5上进行了尝试,也尝试了在另一个Redmi而不是7上进行尝试.
PS:我知道该应用程序正在运行,因为通过Android Studio安装它可以很好地工作.但是,当上传到Play商店并尝试下载时,此方法不起作用.另外,我已经看到生成APK文件后,它不起作用. Ive尝试使用APK文件进行安装,并显示:未安装应用程序"
compileSdkVersion 'android-R'
buildToolsVersion '30.0.0 rc4'
targetSdkVersion 30
compileSdkVersion 29
buildToolsVersion '29.0.3'
targetSdkVersion 29
Ive released a new app on the play store yesterday and it was published. However when I try to download and install it shows this error: can't install app X try again, and it still doesn't work, see common ways to fix the problem.
I've tried to clear play store cache, data, reset the phone several times. Tried on my Xiami Redmi note 5, also tried on another redmi not 7. Same error happens.
PS: I know that the app is working because installing it through Android Studio works perfectly fine. However when uploading to Play Store and trying to download it does not work. Also I've saw that after I've generated the APK file, it does not work. Ive tried to install using the APK file and it showed: "App was not installed"
After a lot of failed attempts from last 3 days. Today, I figured out that the problem affecting my Android App Version Update – Can't Install Error Message was to change:
compileSdkVersion 'android-R'
buildToolsVersion '30.0.0 rc4'
targetSdkVersion 30
compileSdkVersion 29
buildToolsVersion '29.0.3'
targetSdkVersion 29
Now it is working on GooglePlay. Hope it helps. Thanks!