I'm learning Go language and I've made this example: http://thenewstack.io/make-a-restful-json-api-go/ to build a simple REST API.

I've compiled it and all works fine but all sources are in the main package.

Now I want to organize my .go files in packages, so I move them into some folders this way:


Main.go uses all the router package so I've put in the import section: "./router". Router.go uses the pack1 package, so in Router.go I've imported "../pack1". Now if I try to "go build Main.go" I get:

router\Router.go:6: imported and not used: "_/D_/GOPATH/src/pack1"
router\Router.go:14: undefined: Logger

and similar errors, so seems that the import of pack1 package that I've made, it's wrong. Of course in all files belonging to pack1, in the header I've put the "package pack1" definition.

I've also read that the relative imports are not suggested in Go and it could be useful to use the remote packages such ad importing "github.com/myrepo/mypackage". But I dont want to use remote imports; I want to push all my files in a second moment.

Could you help me to better understand what is the way to have local imports between packages in Go language?

thanks in advance