

I'm facing the same issue as in Stack Overflow question "Google Play services are updating" in Google Maps API.


Unfortunately, out of nowhere, some of my users are suffering this issue, as well as my own phone. On the other hand, for other users it seems to work perfectly fine.

  • 此问题仅出现在我的应用程序中的地图上.

  • This issue appears only on maps in my app.

我试图在自己的手机上清理Google Services的缓存-仍然没有.

I've tried to clean Google Services's cache on my own phone - still nothing.


On my emulator it works fine.


I've searched all over the Internet and haven't managed to find a working solution for this.


The most important part is this: Most of the solutions that I've found were ones that needed to be done on a specific device, like cleaning a cache and then restarting the phone. But, when we are talking about an issue that occurs and harm a large portion of my users - there has to be a solution on which I can use in order to help them all at once, by myself, without them needing to do some actions on their own phones.


Otherwise, it would be very frustrating for them, and it would make some of them uninstall my app, and because of what? A bug that I have nothing to do with? Everything worked just perfectly fine until about two days ago, and I didn't make any changes to my app since then at all... so... why?


许多人在Google问题跟踪器中报告了此错误.似乎各种华为设备都受到最新的Play Services更新至版本12.6.73的严重影响.显然Google方面发生了一些变化,他们目前正在调查正在发生的事情.

This bug is reported by many people in the Google issue tracker. It looks like a wide range of Huawei devices is severely impacted by the latest Play Services update to version 12.6.73. Apparently something changed on the Google side and they are currently investigating what is happening.


The issue is tracked in the following bug:


Star the bug and follow messages from Google engineers.


刚下过电话给Google和华为.华为似乎是 承担责任.他们告诉我EMUI更新时间为1到 2周即可解决所有Google地图问题".

Have just got off the phone to Google and Huawei. Huawei seem to be admitting responsibility. They told me there is an EMUI update due in 1 to 2 weeks that should fix "all google maps issues".

也是啊... @ google.com声明

Also ah...@google.com states


Google has been able to reproduce the problem on a physical device and is now focusing on addressing the root cause through either a fix or other mitigation.


It looks like Google and Huawei have to look into this issue together in order to provide a permanent solution.


Google posted the following message in the bug


In collaboration with Huawei, Google engineers have identified the root cause of this issue as an unexpected change to the filesystem permissions. The issue can impact any Android app on a Huawei device which renders a Google map.

我们的工程师正在准备一个新版本的Google Play服务,可以解决该问题.它将针对运行Android 7.0牛轧糖或更高版本的设备.我们将发布新的发布状态.

Our engineers are preparing a new version of Google Play Services which should resolve the problem. It will be targeted to devices running Android 7.0 Nougat, or higher. We will post another update with the status of the rollout.




UPDATE 2018-05-17

Finally good news from Google

我们很高兴地报告,Google Play服务的测试版已准备就绪.我们认为此版本可以缓解运行Android 7.0牛轧糖或更高版本的华为设备上的问题.一个重要的警告是,每次重新启动设备时,您都需要等待大约一分钟,然后才能启动受影响的应用程序.

We are pleased to report that a beta version of Google Play Services is ready. We believe this version mitigates the issue on Huawei devices running Android 7.0 Nougat, or higher. An important caveat is that each time the device is rebooted, you will need to wait about one minute before launching the affected applications.

从今天午夜(太平洋时间)开始,该Beta版将推广到已注册Google Play服务公开Beta计划的一部分社区.在接下来的几天内,它将扩大到越来越多的Beta版受众群体.我们邀请您加入 https://developers.google.com/android/指南/beta程序,以获取此版本和将来版本的Google Play服务的早期版本. Beta测试完成后,它将分阶段向所有用户推出.

Starting today at midnight (Pacific Time), the beta will be rolled-out to a segment of the community that has signed-up for the Google Play Services Public Beta Program. It will ramp to increasing segments of the beta audience over the next few days. We invite you to join the beta program at https://developers.google.com/android/guides/beta-program to obtain an early release of this and future versions of Google Play Services. Once beta testing is complete it will be rolled out in stages to all users.


作为我们最近一次更新(评论#342)的后续,我们认为此问题已在Google Play服务版本12.6.85中得到解决.如果仍然遇到问题,请确保您的设备已安装此版本.

As a follow-up to our last update (comment#342), we believe this issue is fixed in Google Play Services version 12.6.85. If you are still encountering the problem, please ensure your device has this version installed.

如前所述,从操作系统完成启动到启动Google Play服务之间可能会有一定的延迟(通常少于一分钟).如果您在此窗口中启动其中一个受影响的应用程序,则该应用程序可能不会渲染地图.如果发生这种情况,请在一分钟左右后重新启动该应用程序.随后每次启动该应用程序都应该成功.

As previously noted, there can be a delay (usually less than one minute) between the time the OS is finished booting and Google Play Services starts. If you launch one of the affected apps during this window, it may not render a map. If this happens, re-launch the app after a minute or so. Subsequent launches of the app should succeed every time.


自2018年5月21日上午10:00(PDT)起,在首次发布Beta版后,Google Play服务版本12.6.85已推至100%.我们相信,这可以解决所有受影响的华为设备上的Google Play服务问题.

As of 10:00 AM (PDT) on May 21, 2018, Google Play Services version 12.6.85 was pushed to 100%, following the initial beta rollout. We believe this resolves the Google Play Services issue on all impacted Huawei devices.


Huawei is working on a longer term solution which is beneficial to its users and developers.


We apologize for this incident and the impact it may have caused. We are conducting an internal investigation of this issue and will make appropriate improvements to our systems to help prevent future recurrence. Stay tuned for an Incident Report.

这篇关于"Google Play服务正在更新";发布时出现错误,而不是模拟器错误(Google Play服务12.6.73,华为设备)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持IT屋!