
Installation 安装

The core packages of the gonum suite are written in pure Go with some assembly.

go getgo get
go get -u gonum.org/v1/gonum/...

Supported Go versions 受支持的Go版本

Gonum supports and tests on the three most recent minor versions of Go on Linux and Windows.

Build tags 构建标签

The gonum packages use a variety of build tags to set non-standard build conditions.

Building gonum applications will work without knowing how to use these tags, but they can be used during testing and to control the use of assembly and CGO code.

The current list of non-internal tags is as follows:

  • appengine — do not use assembly or unsafe
  • appengine-请勿使用汇编程序或不安全的程序
  • safe — synonym for appengine
  • safe -Appengine的同义词
  • bounds — use bounds checks even in internal calls
  • bounds -即使在内部调用中也要使用边界检查
  • cblas — use CGO gonum.org/v1/netlib/blas/netlib BLAS implementation in tests (only in mat package)
  • cblas —在测试中使用CGO gonum.org/v1/netlib/blas/netlib BLAS实现
  • noasm — do not use assembly implementations
  • noasm-不使用汇编实现
  • tomita — use Tomita, Tanaka, Takahashi pivot choice for maximimal clique calculation, otherwise use random pivot (only in topo package)
  • tomita-使用Tomita,Tanaka,Takahashi枢轴选择进行最大的集团计算,否则使用随机枢轴(仅在topo软件包中)

Issues 问题

If you find any bugs, feel free to file an issue on the github issue tracker.

Discussions on API changes, added features, code review, or similar requests are preferred on the gonum-dev Google Group.
在gonum-dev Google小组中,最好是有关API更改,附加功能,代码审查或类似要求的讨论。


License 许可

Original code is licensed under the Gonum License found in the LICENSE file.

Portions of the code are subject to the additional licenses found in THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES.

All third party code is licensed either under a BSD or MIT license.

Code in graph/formats/dot is dual licensed Public Domain Dedication and Gonum License, and users are free to choose the license which suits their needs for this code.
图形/格式/点中的代码是双重许可的“公共领域专用”和“ Gonum许可”,用户可以自由选择适合其对此代码需求的许可。