Recently I got some reports that one of our apps can not be installed from the Play Store. The error message is:

"App name" can't be installed. Try again, and if the problem continues, get help troubleshooting(Error code: -505)

The app was perfectly fine before the latest release and never faced similar problems with it.

Does this ring any bell to anyone?


This whole thing seems to be related to the new Google Play Services v8.3.0

So after some debugging, I found the problem which is the latest version of the Google Play Services, version 8.3.0

I downgraded Play Services to the latest stable release I had in the app (GPS 8.1.0) and sent out the new builds to users having the installation issues and they were able to instal the app successfully.

This seems to affect a few apps like Mixcloud too, but it could also mess up Beta, Fabric's app helping you distribute your app.

So for now, probably you should hold on with updating Google Play Services to 8.3.0 until they fix this.(?)

Here is a discussion with the Fabric team about the same thing.


Fabric fixed this bug in the version 1.5.1 of their Beta app.

这篇关于由于Google Play Services 8.3.0,无法从Play商店安装Android应用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持IT屋!