tru*_*ung 17


现在是 2019 年。我想推荐一个使用 JWS 和/或 JWE 在 JWT 上做得很好的替代库。


import (

var claims map[string]interface{} // generic map to store parsed token

// decode JWT token without verifying the signature
token, _ := jwt.ParseSigned(tokenString)
_ = token.UnsafeClaimsWithoutVerification(&claims)

// decode JWT token and verify signature using JSON Web Keyset
token, _ := jwt.ParseSigned(tokenString)
jwks := &jose.JSONWebKeySet { // normally you can obtain this from an endpoint exposed by authorization server
            Keys: []jose.JSONWebKey { // just an example
                    Key: publicKey, 
                    Algorithm: jose.RS256, // should be the same as in the JWT token header
                    KeyID: "kid", // should be the same as in the JWT token header
_ = jwt.Claims(jwks, &claims)
import (
type CustomClaims struct {
    // additional claims apart from standard claims
    extra map[string]interface{}

func (cc *CustomClaims) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
    var rawClaims map[string]interface{}
    if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &rawClaims); err != nil {
        return nil
    var claims jwt.Claims
    var decoderResult mapstructure.Metadata
    decoder, err := mapstructure.NewDecoder(&mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
        Result:   &claims,
        Metadata: &decoderResult,
        TagName:  "json",
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if err := decoder.Decode(rawClaims); err != nil {
        return err
    cc.Claims = &claims
    cc.extra = make(map[string]interface{})
    for _, k := range decoderResult.Unused {
        cc.extra[k] = rawClaims[k]
    return nil


  • StackOverflow 是一个很好的资源,但是这种元讨论对于那些只想提供帮助的人来说是消极的。 (5认同)