
interface ICommand {

    void Save(Records data)

    Records LoadRecords()

    Info GetInfo()


abstract class BaseCommand : ICommand {

    Records LoadRecords()  {

        var info = GetInfo()

        //implement common method.



class CommandABC : BaseCommand {

    Info GetInfo(){

        return info;


    void Save(Records data){

        // implement



c = new CommandABC();

c.LoadRecords(); // BaseCommand.LoadRecords -> CommandABC.Info -> Return records

c.Save(); //Command ABC.Save

我想使用组合在 Go 中实现相同的功能。毕竟这是公平的设计,应该可以很好地在 Go 中实现。

type ICommand interface {

    void Save(data Records)

    LoadRecords() Records

    GetInfo() Info


type BaseCommand struct {

    ICommand  //no explicit inheritance. Using composition


func(c BaseCommand) LoadRecords() {

    info := c.GetInfo()

    //implement common method


type CommandABC struct {

    BaseCommand //Composition is bad choice here?


func(c CommandABC) Save(data Records) {



func(c CommandABC) GetInfo() Info {



func main(){

    c := CommandABC{}

    c.LoadRecords(); // BaseCommand.LoadRecords -> fails to call GetInfo since ICommand is nil

    c.Save(); //Command ABC.Save



func main(){

    c := CommandABC{}

    c.ICommand = c //so akward. don't even understand why I am doing this

    c.LoadRecords(); // BaseCommand.LoadRecords -> fails to call GetInfo since ICommand is nil

    c.Save(); //Command ABC.Save


任何人都可以从 Go 设计的角度启发我实现这样的功能。
