This seems invaluable, to me. I work on Windows, primarily. Is this difficult to implement, or is it just not a priority?

Its not a priority seems to be the right answer. There are issues with Windows/Mac support. There is the issue with gopath. The issue with different go versions and they all date back to 2017.

The plugin feature is mostly a tech demo that for some unholy reason got released as a stable feature of the language. When in reality it needed to have been hidden until it was ready. Its not ready and definably not useable as a feature for clients ( we have burned our hands on that also! ). Imagine wanting to offer plugin support for your program using go... They run into the platform issues. The different compile version issues. The gopath issues...

For a language that pride itself in delaying for years, when it comes down to new features ( like generics ) because it needs to be done correctly. And then seeing Plugins in this state 4 years after its release is at best mindboggling.

If you want plugins, go the way slower grpc route, as their are plugins ( more stand alone solution that communicate over grpc ) that work. But at the cost of a 40 a 50 times performance hit, so never run hot code using those.