I’ve a yaml like following which I need to parse using go. When I tried to run the code with the parse I got an error. Below is the code:

var runContent= []byte(`

- runners:
   - name: function1
     type: func1
      - command: spawn child process
      - command: build
      - command: gulp

  - name: function1
    type: func2
      - command: run function 1
  - name: function3
    type: func3
      - command: ruby build

  - name: function4
    type: func4
      - command: go build 


These are the types:

type Runners struct {

    runners string `yaml:"runners"`
        name string `yaml:”name”`
        Type: string  `yaml: ”type”`
        command  [] Command 

type Command struct {
    command string `yaml: ”command”`

runners := Runners{}
err = yaml.Unmarshal(runContent, &runners)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Error : %v", err)
invalid map