

<embed src="../../Content/PDF/StockReport.pdf#zoom=50" width="100%" height="100%">

#zoom = 50是一个参数,通知PDF阅读器放大到50%。 这适用于所有浏览器,但谷歌chrome,因为chrome有一个内置的pdf查看器。

the #zoom=50 is a parameter that tells the pdf reader to zoom to 50%. This works in all browsers but google chrome because chrome has a built in pdf viewer.

如何将此相同的参数传递给google chrome的pdf查看器?

How can I pass this same parameter to google chrome's pdf viewer ?


检查各种Chrome错误报告后,我们可以确认Google Chrome浏览器是否忽略Adobe PDF查看器的默认功能。在这个答案的时候,没有办法传递参数(如缩放)到Chrome PDF查看器。

After checking various chrome bug reports, I can confirm that Google Chrome ignores the default functionality of Adobe PDF viewer. At the time of this answer there is no way to pass parameters (like zoom) to the Chrome PDF viewer.