
我正在寻找一种适用于Google Chrome的安装程序解决方案:

当您单击下载时,实际上并没有下载安装程序,而是一个很小的 Downloader ,它随后会下载Chrome Installer ,然后启动它.

我知道Sweet Labs正在开发 Ignite ,但它仍处于封闭测试中.



或者也可以使用 WiX Toolset 创建自己的文件. net/Main_Page"rel =" nofollow> NSIS 或 Inno Setup .


I am looking for an installer solution like it is used for Google Chrome:

When you click Download, you don't actually download the installer, but a very small Downloader, which then downloads the Chrome Installer, and launches it afterwards.

I know Sweet Labs is developing Ignite, but it is still in closed beta.

Are there any similar solutions out there, which are ready to use?

I now have this quite complete list of solutions:

Or possibly create your own using the WiX Toolset, NSIS or Inno Setup.

All of those are free solutions, except for AdvancedInstaller. It has a free edition too, but cannot be used to create this package type; for this you need at least a Professional edition.

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