I'm trying to use a MySQL query using the IN operator with undefined amount of arguments into my Golang project.


I've read some similar posts giving me some advices about the way to go, but I'm stuck on the execution part of the query, because it does not allow the direct use of a slice as argument.

//converting my form args []string into []int
var args []int
for _, v := range r.Form["type"] {
    t, _ := strconv.Atoi(v)
    args = append(args, t)

sql := "SELECT id, name FROM resources WHERE id IN (SELECT resource_id FROM resources_types WHERE type_id IN (?" + strings.Repeat(",?", len(args)-1) + "))"
fmt.Println("Query : ", sql)
stmt, _ := db.Prepare(sql)
rows, err := stmt.Query(args)
defer stmt.Close()

Golang returns me an error at execution :

Query : SELECT id, name FROM resources WHERE id IN (SELECT resource_id FROM resources_types WHERE type_id IN (?,?)) "sql: statement expects 2 inputs; got 1"

It works when I try with

rows, err := stmt.Query(args[0], args[1])

But as I need an undefined number of arguments, it isn't a solution. Is it at least possible to get it working with MySQL ?