This is the error message I get:

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
  Software being installed: Google App Engine Tools for Android 3.1.0.v201208080121-rel-r42 ( 3.1.0.v201208080121-rel-r42)

I've tried numerous things including manually downloading the file from here and also I snooped around StackOverflow and I tried just moving all the plugins from the manual download into the plugins folder of my Eclipse. That didn't help me though because my perspective did not update with the plugins and I couldn't find the "Create New Web Application" option. I've also read some things about the XML file being wrong but I can't find it and those were for other Eclipse versions so I don't know if it applies to me.

I also tried excluding Google App Engine Tools for Android 3.1.0 but then it just says the next one in the list can't be found.

I'll be more than happy to provide anymore information. I am running Eclipse Juno 4.2 and Java 1.7 (I also have 1.6 installed though). I am using a Windows 7 PC. Thank you guys so much! I just want to code :[