Fabric 1.0 物理机集群部署



编号 主机名 IP地址 域名 备注 环境
1 Node-1 kafka1.local zk-kafka节点 java
2 Node-2 kafka2.local zk-kafka节点 java
3 Node-3 kafka3.local zk-kafka节点 java
4 Node-4 peer0.org1.local peer节点 docker, golang
5 Node-5 peer1.org1.local peer节点 docker, golang
6 Node-6 peer0.org2.local peer节点 docker, golang
7 Node-7 peer1.org2.local peer节点 docker, golang
8 Node-9 ca.org1.local ca节点 docker
9 Node-9 ca.org2.local ca节点 docker
10 Node-10 order.local order节点 docker

Hosts配置    Node-1 kafka1.local    Node-2 kafka2.local    Node-3 kafka3.local    Node-4 peer0.org1.local    Node-5 peer1.org1.local    Node-6 peer0.org2.local    Node-7 peer1.org2.local    Node-8 ca.org1.local    Node-9 ca.org2.local    Node-10 orderer.local


 ~# cat /proc/version
 Linux version 4.4.0-82-generic (buildd@lgw01-43) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ) #105-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 20 15:23:02 UTC 2017
 ~# docker -v
 Docker version 17.06.0-ce, build 02c1d87
 ~# docker-compose -v
 docker-compose version 1.14.0, build c7bdf9e
 ~# go version
 go version go1.8.3 linux/amd64	



Docker 安装

~# curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh
~# curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.14.0/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
~# sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

golang 安装

~# curl https://www.golangtc.com/static/go/1.8.3/go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar zx -C /opt/

~# mkdir -p ~/go/src ~/go/pkg ~/go/bin

~# vi /etc/profile

export GOROOT=/opt/go
export GOPATH=~/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin

~# source /etc/profile

fabric 二进制可执行程序安装

	# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
	# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
	export VERSION=1.0.0
	export ARCH=$(echo "$(uname -s|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'|sed 's/mingw64_nt.*/windows/')-$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/g')" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
	#Set MARCH variable i.e ppc64le,s390x,x86_64,i386
	MARCH=`uname -m`
	echo "===> Downloading platform binaries"
	mkdir /opt/fabric
	curl https://nexus.hyperledger.org/content/repositories/releases/org/hyperledger/fabric/hyperledger-fabric/${ARCH}-${VERSION}/hyperledger-fabric-${ARCH}-${VERSION}.tar.gz | tar xz -C /opt/fabric
~# tree /opt/fabric/bin/
├── configtxgen
├── configtxlator
├── cryptogen
├── get-byfn.sh
├── get-docker-images.sh
├── orderer
└── peer

0 directories, 7 files		

fabric 部署

kafka 集群部署

使用 Node-1,Node-3,Node-3 节点部署kafka集群


 # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 #   Profile
 #   - Different configuration profiles may be encoded here to be specified
 #   as parameters to the configtxgen tool

             <<: *OrdererDefaults
                 - *OrdererOrg
                     - *Org1
                     - *Org2
         Consortium: SampleConsortium
             <<: *ApplicationDefaults
                 - *Org1
                 - *Org2

 #   Section: Organizations
 #   - This section defines the different organizational identities which will
 #   be referenced later in the configuration.

     # SampleOrg defines an MSP using the sampleconfig.  It should never be used
     # in production but may be used as a template for other definitions
     - &OrdererOrg
         # DefaultOrg defines the organization which is used in the sampleconfig
         # of the fabric.git development environment
         Name: OrdererOrg

         # ID to load the MSP definition as
         ID: OrdererMSP

         # MSPDir is the filesystem path which contains the MSP configuration
         MSPDir: crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/orderer.local/msp

     - &Org1
         # DefaultOrg defines the organization which is used in the sampleconfig
         # of the fabric.git development environment
         Name: Org1MSP

         # ID to load the MSP definition as
         ID: Org1MSP

         MSPDir: crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.local/msp

             # AnchorPeers defines the location of peers which can be used
             # for cross org gossip communication.  Note, this value is only
             # encoded in the genesis block in the Application section context
             - Host: Node-4
               Port: 7051
             - Host: Node-5
               Port: 7051  

     - &Org2
         # DefaultOrg defines the organization which is used in the sampleconfig
         # of the fabric.git development environment
         Name: Org2MSP

         # ID to load the MSP definition as
         ID: Org2MSP

         MSPDir: crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org2.local/msp

             # AnchorPeers defines the location of peers which can be used
             # for cross org gossip communication.  Note, this value is only
             # encoded in the genesis block in the Application section context
             - Host: Node-6
               Port: 7051
             - Host: Node-7
               Port: 7051  

 #   SECTION: Orderer
 #   - This section defines the values to encode into a config transaction or
 #   genesis block for orderer related parameters
 Orderer: &OrdererDefaults

     # Orderer Type: The orderer implementation to start
     # Available types are "solo" and "kafka"
     OrdererType: kafka

         - Node-10:7050

     # Batch Timeout: The amount of time to wait before creating a batch
     BatchTimeout: 2s

     # Batch Size: Controls the number of messages batched into a block

         # Max Message Count: The maximum number of messages to permit in a batch
         MaxMessageCount: 10

         # Absolute Max Bytes: The absolute maximum number of bytes allowed for
         # the serialized messages in a batch.
         AbsoluteMaxBytes: 99 MB

         # Preferred Max Bytes: The preferred maximum number of bytes allowed for
         # the serialized messages in a batch. A message larger than the preferred
         # max bytes will result in a batch larger than preferred max bytes.
         PreferredMaxBytes: 512 KB

         # Brokers: A list of Kafka brokers to which the orderer connects
         # NOTE: Use IP:port notation
             - Node-1:9092
             - Node-2:9092
             - Node-3:9092

     # Organizations is the list of orgs which are defined as participants on
     # the orderer side of the network

 #   SECTION: Application
 #   - This section defines the values to encode into a config transaction or
 #   genesis block for application related parameters
 Application: &ApplicationDefaults

     # Organizations is the list of orgs which are defined as participants on
     # the application side of the network
# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "OrdererOrgs" - Definition of organizations managing orderer nodes
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Orderer
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  - Name: Orderer
    Domain: orderer.local
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Specs" - See PeerOrgs below for complete description
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      - Hostname: orderer.local
        CommonName: orderer.local
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "PeerOrgs" - Definition of organizations managing peer nodes
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Org1
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  - Name: Org1
    Domain: org1.local
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Specs"
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Uncomment this section to enable the explicit definition of hosts in your
    # configuration.  Most users will want to use Template, below
    # Specs is an array of Spec entries.  Each Spec entry consists of two fields:
    #   - Hostname:   (Required) The desired hostname, sans the domain.
    #   - CommonName: (Optional) Specifies the template or explicit override for
    #                 the CN.  By default, this is the template:
    #                              "{{.Hostname}}.{{.Domain}}"
    #                 which obtains its values from the Spec.Hostname and
    #                 Org.Domain, respectively.
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Specs:
    #   - Hostname: foo # implicitly "foo.org1.example.com"
    #     CommonName: foo27.org5.example.com # overrides Hostname-based FQDN set above
    #   - Hostname: bar
    #   - Hostname: baz
      - Hostname: Node-4
        CommonName: peer0.org1.local
      - Hostname: Node-5
        CommonName: peer1.org1.local
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Template"
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Allows for the definition of 1 or more hosts that are created sequentially
    # from a template. By default, this looks like "peer%d" from 0 to Count-1.
    # You may override the number of nodes (Count), the starting index (Start)
    # or the template used to construct the name (Hostname).
    # Note: Template and Specs are not mutually exclusive.  You may define both
    # sections and the aggregate nodes will be created for you.  Take care with
    # name collisions
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Count: 2
      # Start: 5
      # Hostname: {{.Prefix}}{{.Index}} # default
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # "Users"
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Count: The number of user accounts _in addition_ to Admin
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Count: 1
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Org2: See "Org1" for full specification
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  - Name: Org2
    Domain: org2.local
      - Hostname: Node-6
        CommonName: peer0.org2.local
      - Hostname: Node-7
        CommonName: peer1.org2.local
      Count: 2
      Count: 1
 	#!/bin/bash +x
 	# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
 	# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 	#set -e

 	: ${CHANNEL_NAME:="mychannel"}

 	export FABRIC_ROOT=/opt/fabric

 	OS_ARCH=$(echo "$(uname -s|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'|sed 's/mingw64_nt.*/windows/')-$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/g')" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')

 	## 	Generates Org certs using cryptogen tool
 	function generateCerts (){

 		if [ -f "$CRYPTOGEN" ]; then
 	            echo "Using cryptogen -> $CRYPTOGEN"
 		    echo "Downloading fabric cryptogen binaries > /opt/fabric/bin "

 		echo "##########################################################"
 		echo "##### Generate certificates using cryptogen tool #########"
 		echo "##########################################################"
 		##	生成crypto-config文件夹,包括加密公钥私钥证书等
 		$CRYPTOGEN generate --config=$FABRIC_CFG_PATH/crypto-config.yaml

 	## Generate orderer genesis block , channel configuration transaction and anchor peer update transactions
 	function generateChannelArtifacts() {

 		if [ -f "$CONFIGTXGEN" ]; then
 	            echo "Using configtxgen -> $CONFIGTXGEN"
 		    echo "Downloading fabric configtxgen binaries > /opt/fabric/bin "

 		mkdir ./channel-artifacts

 		echo "##########################################################"
 		echo "#########  Generating Orderer Genesis block ##############"
 		echo "##########################################################"
 		# Note: For some unknown reason (at least for now) the block file can't be
 		# named orderer.genesis.block or the orderer will fail to launch!

 		## 生成genesis.block
 		$CONFIGTXGEN -profile TwoOrgsOrdererGenesis -outputBlock ./channel-artifacts/genesis.block

 		echo "#################################################################"
 		echo "### Generating channel configuration transaction 'channel.tx' ###"
 		echo "#################################################################"

 		## 生成channel.tx
 		$CONFIGTXGEN -profile TwoOrgsChannel -outputCreateChannelTx ./channel-artifacts/channel.tx -channelID $CHANNEL_NAME

 		echo "#################################################################"
 		echo "#######    Generating anchor peer update for Org1MSP   ##########"
 		echo "#################################################################"

 		## 生成Org1MSPanchors.tx
 		$CONFIGTXGEN -profile TwoOrgsChannel -outputAnchorPeersUpdate ./channel-artifacts/Org1MSPanchors.tx -channelID $CHANNEL_NAME -asOrg Org1MSP

 		echo "#################################################################"
 		echo "#######    Generating anchor peer update for Org2MSP   ##########"
 		echo "#################################################################"

 		## 生成Org2MSPanchors.tx
 		$CONFIGTXGEN -profile TwoOrgsChannel -outputAnchorPeersUpdate ./channel-artifacts/Org2MSPanchors.tx -channelID $CHANNEL_NAME -asOrg Org2MSP



~# cd ~/fabric/configs
~/fabric/configs# ../scripts/generateArtifacts.sh
~/fabric/configs# tree
├── channel-artifacts
│   ├── channel.tx
│   ├── genesis.block
│   ├── Org1MSPanchors.tx
│   └── Org2MSPanchors.tx
├── configtx.yaml
├── core.yaml
├── crypto-config
│   ├── ordererOrganizations
│   │   └── orderer.local
│   │       ├── ca
│   │       │   ├── ca.orderer.local-cert.pem
│   │       │   └── d775bb35eecf2930a52214103e0854a72c01a32ab7315da753084fdbbf6e3e9b_sk
│   │       ├── msp
│   │       │   ├── admincerts
│   │       │   │   └── Admin@orderer.local-cert.pem
│   │       │   ├── cacerts
│   │       │   │   └── ca.orderer.local-cert.pem
│   │       │   └── tlscacerts
│   │       │       └── tlsca.orderer.local-cert.pem
│   │       ├── orderers
│   │       │   └── orderer.local
│   │       │       ├── msp
│   │       │       │   ├── admincerts
│   │       │       │   │   └── Admin@orderer.local-cert.pem
│   │       │       │   ├── cacerts
│   │       │       │   │   └── ca.orderer.local-cert.pem
│   │       │       │   ├── keystore
│   │       │       │   │   └── d97a464f195e5346031509054d93aabff3849084027ac43d879d230b773fc669_sk
│   │       │       │   ├── signcerts
│   │       │       │   │   └── orderer.local-cert.pem
│   │       │       │   └── tlscacerts
│   │       │       │       └── tlsca.orderer.local-cert.pem
│   │       │       └── tls
│   │       │           ├── ca.crt
│   │       │           ├── server.crt
│   │       │           └── server.key
│   │       ├── tlsca
│   │       │   ├── 24ca2916fa49e71657641c41bc4012fdf18858970db00f1a35ae93caea335345_sk
│   │       │   └── tlsca.orderer.local-cert.pem
│   │       └── users
│   │           └── Admin@orderer.local
│   │               ├── msp
│   │               │   ├── admincerts
│   │               │   │   └── Admin@orderer.local-cert.pem
│   │               │   ├── cacerts
│   │               │   │   └── ca.orderer.local-cert.pem
│   │               │   ├── keystore
│   │               │   │   └── e45eb26e86df1c5958530df1de8519b06c214480cd73fdfa71671efa0005aa42_sk
│   │               │   ├── signcerts
│   │               │   │   └── Admin@orderer.local-cert.pem
│   │               │   └── tlscacerts
│   │               │       └── tlsca.orderer.local-cert.pem
│   │               └── tls
│   │                   ├── ca.crt
│   │                   ├── server.crt
│   │                   └── server.key
│   └── peerOrganizations
│       ├── org1.local
│       │   ├── ca
│       │   │   ├── 17b0a2ea854d3ed9cfcb003285734af883d2764eabbe238d9720625f7bf5c496_sk
│       │   │   └── ca.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │   ├── msp
│       │   │   ├── admincerts
│       │   │   │   └── Admin@org1.local-cert.pem
│       │   │   ├── cacerts
│       │   │   │   └── ca.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │   │   └── tlscacerts
│       │   │       └── tlsca.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │   ├── peers
│       │   │   ├── peer0.org1.local
│       │   │   │   ├── msp
│       │   │   │   │   ├── admincerts
│       │   │   │   │   │   └── Admin@org1.local-cert.pem
│       │   │   │   │   ├── cacerts
│       │   │   │   │   │   └── ca.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │   │   │   │   ├── keystore
│       │   │   │   │   │   ├── 972e7d812a8112695798d3c038ab6b264f98d4cde36ab02ef21a6bb93ddedcbd_sk
│       │   │   │   │   │   └── e8094def3c657989497428160fb299080f34a9eefa75d5e3e90c8464c642e354_sk
│       │   │   │   │   ├── signcerts
│       │   │   │   │   │   └── peer0.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │   │   │   │   └── tlscacerts
│       │   │   │   │       └── tlsca.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │   │   │   └── tls
│       │   │   │       ├── ca.crt
│       │   │   │       ├── server.crt
│       │   │   │       └── server.key
│       │   │   └── peer1.org1.local
│       │   │       ├── msp
│       │   │       │   ├── admincerts
│       │   │       │   │   └── Admin@org1.local-cert.pem
│       │   │       │   ├── cacerts
│       │   │       │   │   └── ca.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │   │       │   ├── keystore
│       │   │       │   │   ├── 02abe6ecc33efb336e34ed064099d41ef7828770a71a2aeaf409a61977cf1404_sk
│       │   │       │   │   └── 175a67cf1d5b59a215c1f8b41fdf3916a303600c0d80a5a10a1508254a4ae153_sk
│       │   │       │   ├── signcerts
│       │   │       │   │   └── peer1.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │   │       │   └── tlscacerts
│       │   │       │       └── tlsca.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │   │       └── tls
│       │   │           ├── ca.crt
│       │   │           ├── server.crt
│       │   │           └── server.key
│       │   ├── tlsca
│       │   │   ├── 6d4f32f6422c2178fdf7ecec16bf14e2abd9f34c151c953ef6d97d5f2cd7f915_sk
│       │   │   └── tlsca.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │   └── users
│       │       ├── Admin@org1.local
│       │       │   ├── msp
│       │       │   │   ├── admincerts
│       │       │   │   │   └── Admin@org1.local-cert.pem
│       │       │   │   ├── cacerts
│       │       │   │   │   └── ca.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │       │   │   ├── keystore
│       │       │   │   │   └── 5423b1db0ee58b32d33edc220845d4b27eb1cd57812b1e4a512ecb45688d6538_sk
│       │       │   │   ├── signcerts
│       │       │   │   │   └── Admin@org1.local-cert.pem
│       │       │   │   └── tlscacerts
│       │       │   │       └── tlsca.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │       │   └── tls
│       │       │       ├── ca.crt
│       │       │       ├── server.crt
│       │       │       └── server.key
│       │       └── User1@org1.local
│       │           ├── msp
│       │           │   ├── admincerts
│       │           │   │   └── User1@org1.local-cert.pem
│       │           │   ├── cacerts
│       │           │   │   └── ca.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │           │   ├── keystore
│       │           │   │   └── ee4f6a08b8ba76a2484d908339cfb0500ce5462653847070699f68d0109de930_sk
│       │           │   ├── signcerts
│       │           │   │   └── User1@org1.local-cert.pem
│       │           │   └── tlscacerts
│       │           │       └── tlsca.org1.local-cert.pem
│       │           └── tls
│       │               ├── ca.crt
│       │               ├── server.crt
│       │               └── server.key
│       └── org2.local
│           ├── ca
│           │   ├── 0849b6bad250f4e81866c0c0232b2960bf1f36cb1898329e18d40c2177de9c04_sk
│           │   └── ca.org2.local-cert.pem
│           ├── msp
│           │   ├── admincerts
│           │   │   └── Admin@org2.local-cert.pem
│           │   ├── cacerts
│           │   │   └── ca.org2.local-cert.pem
│           │   └── tlscacerts
│           │       └── tlsca.org2.local-cert.pem
│           ├── peers
│           │   ├── peer0.org2.local
│           │   │   ├── msp
│           │   │   │   ├── admincerts
│           │   │   │   │   └── Admin@org2.local-cert.pem
│           │   │   │   ├── cacerts
│           │   │   │   │   └── ca.org2.local-cert.pem
│           │   │   │   ├── keystore
│           │   │   │   │   ├── 45b896276df803b7f11009416f87fa73b039ebc5e19a46cfff725e387e21dd4d_sk
│           │   │   │   │   └── 9ce7301f5b816b99a98d9729c0346acf6fc30e6c436ae6f29f5f1908d92adba5_sk
│           │   │   │   ├── signcerts
│           │   │   │   │   └── peer0.org2.local-cert.pem
│           │   │   │   └── tlscacerts
│           │   │   │       └── tlsca.org2.local-cert.pem
│           │   │   └── tls
│           │   │       ├── ca.crt
│           │   │       ├── server.crt
│           │   │       └── server.key
│           │   └── peer1.org2.local
│           │       ├── msp
│           │       │   ├── admincerts
│           │       │   │   └── Admin@org2.local-cert.pem
│           │       │   ├── cacerts
│           │       │   │   └── ca.org2.local-cert.pem
│           │       │   ├── keystore
│           │       │   │   ├── 20ca7a677d1c1a03eacb55d931fc9525cd861f843fd95a6748e8f29ac49b8ecf_sk
│           │       │   │   └── 2c7e1a7d2128c45d160c31aa43d2a34782277753155a7fef38ceceb6acdaca79_sk
│           │       │   ├── signcerts
│           │       │   │   └── peer1.org2.local-cert.pem
│           │       │   └── tlscacerts
│           │       │       └── tlsca.org2.local-cert.pem
│           │       └── tls
│           │           ├── ca.crt
│           │           ├── server.crt
│           │           └── server.key
│           ├── tlsca
│           │   ├── 55fee7208c7484dfb2d9085c9dea0cce342ff6850e15d53dc0cf3d0daa655d27_sk
│           │   └── tlsca.org2.local-cert.pem
│           └── users
│               ├── Admin@org2.local
│               │   ├── msp
│               │   │   ├── admincerts
│               │   │   │   └── Admin@org2.local-cert.pem
│               │   │   ├── cacerts
│               │   │   │   └── ca.org2.local-cert.pem
│               │   │   ├── keystore
│               │   │   │   └── 0bb9c50d25a654795ae4741fe7b5635b3d797359e841525a63252161057ce13b_sk
│               │   │   ├── signcerts
│               │   │   │   └── Admin@org2.local-cert.pem
│               │   │   └── tlscacerts
│               │   │       └── tlsca.org2.local-cert.pem
│               │   └── tls
│               │       ├── ca.crt
│               │       ├── server.crt
│               │       └── server.key
│               └── User1@org2.local
│                   ├── msp
│                   │   ├── admincerts
│                   │   │   └── User1@org2.local-cert.pem
│                   │   ├── cacerts
│                   │   │   └── ca.org2.local-cert.pem
│                   │   ├── keystore
│                   │   │   └── d496ff9c745a6cabaaed0c7af28910b7ef5a0b9da23d374d2864ffeb9737800c_sk
│                   │   ├── signcerts
│                   │   │   └── User1@org2.local-cert.pem
│                   │   └── tlscacerts
│                   │       └── tlsca.org2.local-cert.pem
│                   └── tls
│                       ├── ca.crt
│                       ├── server.crt
│                       └── server.key
├── crypto-config.yaml
└── orderer.yaml

111 directories, 113 files


~# scp -r ~/fabric/configs/ Node-*:~/fabric/



 export FABRIC_ROOT=/opt/fabric
 export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=/root/fabric/configs

 export ORDERER_GENERAL_GENESISFILE=$FABRIC_CFG_PATH/channel-artifacts/genesis.block


 export ORDERER_GENERAL_LOCALMSPDIR=$FABRIC_CFG_PATH/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/orderer.local/orderers/orderer.local/msp/

 # Enabled TLS
 export ORDERER_GENERAL_TLS_PRIVATEKEY=$FABRIC_CFG_PATH/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/orderer.local/orderers/orderer.local/tls/server.key
 export ORDERER_GENERAL_TLS_CERTIFICATE=$FABRIC_CFG_PATH/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/orderer.local/orderers/orderer.local/tls/server.crt
 export ORDERER_GENERAL_TLS_ROOTCAS=[$FABRIC_CFG_PATH/crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/orderer.local/orderers/orderer.local/tls/ca.crt]

 export CONFIGTX_ORDERER_KAFKA_BROKERS=[Node-1:9092,Node-2:9092,Node-3:9092]

 export GRPC_TRACE=all=true
 export GRPC_VERBOSITY=debug

 $FABRIC_ROOT/bin/orderer start
 netstat -tlpn |grep orderer | tr -s -t ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f7 | cut -d '/' -f1 | head -1 | xargs kill -9
 # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 #   Orderer Configuration
 #   - This controls the type and configuration of the orderer.

     # Ledger Type: The ledger type to provide to the orderer.
     # Two non-production ledger types are provided for test purposes only:
     #  - ram: An in-memory ledger whose contents are lost on restart.
     #  - json: A simple file ledger that writes blocks to disk in JSON format.
     # Only one production ledger type is provided:
     #  - file: A production file-based ledger.
     LedgerType: file

     # Listen address: The IP on which to bind to listen.

     # Listen port: The port on which to bind to listen.
     ListenPort: 7050

     # TLS: TLS settings for the GRPC server.
         Enabled: false
         PrivateKey: tls/server.key
         Certificate: tls/server.crt
           - tls/ca.crt
         ClientAuthEnabled: false

     # Log Level: The level at which to log. This accepts logging specifications
     # per: fabric/docs/Setup/logging-control.md
     LogLevel: info

     # Genesis method: The method by which the genesis block for the orderer
     # system channel is specified. Available options are "provisional", "file":
     #  - provisional: Utilizes a genesis profile, specified by GenesisProfile,
     #                 to dynamically generate a new genesis block.
     #  - file: Uses the file provided by GenesisFile as the genesis block.
     GenesisMethod: provisional

     # Genesis profile: The profile to use to dynamically generate the genesis
     # block to use when initializing the orderer system channel and
     # GenesisMethod is set to "provisional". See the configtx.yaml file for the
     # descriptions of the available profiles. Ignored if GenesisMethod is set to
     # "file".
     GenesisProfile: SampleInsecureSolo

     # Genesis file: The file containing the genesis block to use when
     # initializing the orderer system channel and GenesisMethod is set to
     # "file". Ignored if GenesisMethod is set to "provisional".
     GenesisFile: genesisblock

     # LocalMSPDir is where to find the private crypto material needed by the
     # orderer. It is set relative here as a default for dev environments but
     # should be changed to the real location in production.
     LocalMSPDir: msp

     # LocalMSPID is the identity to register the local MSP material with the MSP
     # manager. IMPORTANT: The local MSP ID of an orderer needs to match the MSP
     # ID of one of the organizations defined in the orderer system channel's
     # /Channel/Orderer configuration. The sample organization defined in the
     # sample configuration provided has an MSP ID of "DEFAULT".

     # Enable an HTTP service for Go "pprof" profiling as documented at:
     # https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/pprof
         Enabled: false

     # BCCSP configures the blockchain crypto service providers.
         # Default specifies the preferred blockchain crypto service provider
         # to use. If the preferred provider is not available, the software
         # based provider ("SW") will be used.
         # Valid providers are:
         #  - SW: a software based crypto provider
         #  - PKCS11: a CA hardware security module crypto provider.
         Default: SW

         # SW configures the software based blockchain crypto provider.
             # TODO: The default Hash and Security level needs refactoring to be
             # fully configurable. Changing these defaults requires coordination
             # SHA2 is hardcoded in several places, not only BCCSP
             Hash: SHA2
             Security: 256
             # Location of key store. If this is unset, a location will be
             # chosen using: 'LocalMSPDir'/keystore

 #   SECTION: File Ledger
 #   - This section applies to the configuration of the file or json ledgers.

     # Location: The directory to store the blocks in.
     # NOTE: If this is unset, a new temporary location will be chosen every time
     # the orderer is restarted, using the prefix specified by Prefix.
     Location: /var/hyperledger/production/orderer

     # The prefix to use when generating a ledger directory in temporary space.
     # Otherwise, this value is ignored.
     Prefix: hyperledger-fabric-ordererledger

 #   SECTION: RAM Ledger
 #   - This section applies to the configuration of the RAM ledger.

     # History Size: The number of blocks that the RAM ledger is set to retain.
     # WARNING: Appending a block to the ledger might cause the oldest block in
     # the ledger to be dropped in order to limit the number total number blocks
     # to HistorySize. For example, if history size is 10, when appending block
     # 10, block 0 (the genesis block!) will be dropped to make room for block 10.
     HistorySize: 1000

 #   SECTION: Kafka
 #   - This section applies to the configuration of the Kafka-based orderer, and
 #     its interaction with the Kafka cluster.

     # Retry: What do if a connection to the Kafka cluster cannot be established,
     # or if a metadata request to the Kafka cluster needs to be repeated.
         # When a new channel is created, or when an existing channel is reloaded
         # (in case of a just-restarted orderer), the orderer interacts with the
         # Kafka cluster in the following ways:
         # 1. It creates a Kafka producer (writer) for the Kafka partition that
         # corresponds to the channel.
         # 2. It uses that producer to post a no-op CONNECT message to that
         # partition
         # 3. It creates a Kafka consumer (reader) for that partition.
         # If any of these steps fail, they will be re-attempted every
         # <ShortInterval> for a total of <ShortTotal>, and then every
         # <LongInterval> for a total of <LongTotal> until they succeed.
         # Note that the orderer will be unable to write to or read from a
         # channel until all of the steps above have been completed successfully.
         ShortInterval: 5s
         ShortTotal: 10m
         LongInterval: 5m
         LongTotal: 12h
         # Affects the socket timeouts when waiting for an initial connection, a
         # response, or a transmission. See Config.Net for more info:
         # https://godoc.org/github.com/Shopify/sarama#Config
             DialTimeout: 10s
             ReadTimeout: 10s
             WriteTimeout: 10s
         # Affects the metadata requests when the Kafka cluster is in the middle
         # of a leader election.See Config.Metadata for more info:
         # https://godoc.org/github.com/Shopify/sarama#Config
             RetryBackoff: 250ms
             RetryMax: 3
         # What to do if posting a message to the Kafka cluster fails. See
         # Config.Producer for more info:
         # https://godoc.org/github.com/Shopify/sarama#Config
             RetryBackoff: 100ms
             RetryMax: 3
         # What to do if reading from the Kafka cluster fails. See
         # Config.Consumer for more info:
         # https://godoc.org/github.com/Shopify/sarama#Config
             RetryBackoff: 2s

     # Verbose: Enable logging for interactions with the Kafka cluster.
     Verbose: false

     # TLS: TLS settings for the orderer's connection to the Kafka cluster.

       # Enabled: Use TLS when connecting to the Kafka cluster.
       Enabled: false

       # PrivateKey: PEM-encoded private key the orderer will use for
       # authentication.
         # As an alternative to specifying the PrivateKey here, uncomment the
         # following "File" key and specify the file name from which to load the
         # value of PrivateKey.
         #File: path/to/PrivateKey

       # Certificate: PEM-encoded signed public key certificate the orderer will
       # use for authentication.
         # As an alternative to specifying the Certificate here, uncomment the
         # following "File" key and specify the file name from which to load the
         # value of Certificate.
         #File: path/to/Certificate

       # RootCAs: PEM-encoded trusted root certificates used to validate
       # certificates from the Kafka cluster.
         # As an alternative to specifying the RootCAs here, uncomment the
         # following "File" key and specify the file name from which to load the
         # value of RootCAs.
         #File: path/to/RootCAs

     # Kafka version of the Kafka cluster brokers (defaults to


~# ~/fabric/start-orderer.sh



 export FABRIC_ROOT=/opt/fabric
 export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=~/fabric/configs

 export CORE_LOGGING_PEER=debug

 export CORE_PEER_ID=peer0.org1.local
 export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=$FABRIC_CFG_PATH/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.local/peers/peer0.org1.local/msp
 export CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=peer0.org1.local:7051

 # # Used with Go profiling tools only in none production environment. In
 # # production, it should be disabled (eg enabled: false)

 # # the following setting starts chaincode containers on the same
 # # bridge network as the peers
 # # https://docs.docker.com/compose/networking/
 export CORE_VM_ENDPOINT=unix:///var/run/docker.sock


 export CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=$FABRIC_CFG_PATH/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.local/peers/peer0.org1.local/tls/ca.crt
 export CORE_PEER_TLS_KEY_FILE=$FABRIC_CFG_PATH/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.local/peers/peer0.org1.local/tls/server.key
 export CORE_PEER_TLS_CERT_FILE=$FABRIC_CFG_PATH/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.local/peers/peer0.org1.local/tls/server.crt

 export CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_EXTERNALENDPOINT=peer0.org1.local:7051

 $FABRIC_ROOT/bin/peer node start
 netstat -tlpn |grep peer | tr -s -t ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f7 | cut -d '/' -f1 | head -1 | xargs kill -9
 # Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 #    LOGGING section

     # Default logging levels are specified here.

     # Valid logging levels are case-insensitive strings chosen from


     # The overall default logging level can be specified in various ways,
     # listed below from strongest to weakest:
     # 1. The --logging-level=<level> command line option overrides all other
     #    default specifications.
     # 2. The environment variable CORE_LOGGING_LEVEL otherwise applies to
     #    all peer commands if defined as a non-empty string.
     # 3. The value of peer that directly follows in this file. It can also
     #    be set via the environment variable CORE_LOGGING_PEER.
     # If no overall default level is provided via any of the above methods,
     # the peer will default to INFO (the value of defaultLevel in
     # common/flogging/logging.go)

     # Default for all modules running within the scope of a peer.
     # Note: this value is only used when --logging-level or CORE_LOGGING_LEVEL
     #       are not set
     peer:       info

     # The overall default values mentioned above can be overridden for the
     # specific components listed in the override section below.

     # Override levels for various peer modules. These levels will be
     # applied once the peer has completely started. They are applied at this
     # time in order to be sure every logger has been registered with the
     # logging package.
     # Note: the modules listed below are the only acceptable modules at this
     #       time.
     cauthdsl:   warning
     gossip:     warning
     ledger:     info
     msp:        warning
     policies:   warning
     grpc:       error

     # Message format for the peer logs
     format: '%{color}%{time:2006-01-02 15:04:05.000 MST} [%{module}] %{shortfunc} -> %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}'

 #    Peer section

     # The Peer id is used for identifying this Peer instance.
     id: jdoe

     # The networkId allows for logical seperation of networks
     networkId: dev

     # The Address at local network interface this Peer will listen on.
     # By default, it will listen on all network interfaces

     # The endpoint this peer uses to listen for inbound chaincode connections.
     # The chaincode connection does not support TLS-mutual auth. Having a
     # separate listener for the chaincode helps isolate the chaincode
     # environment for enhanced security, so it is strongly recommended to
     # uncomment chaincodeListenAddress and specify a protected endpoint.
     # If chaincodeListenAddress is not configured or equals to the listenAddress,
     # listenAddress will be used for chaincode connections. This is not
     # recommended for production.
     # chaincodeListenAddress:

     # When used as peer config, this represents the endpoint to other peers
     # in the same organization for peers in other organization, see
     # gossip.externalEndpoint for more info.
     # When used as CLI config, this means the peer's endpoint to interact with

     # Whether the Peer should programmatically determine its address
     # This case is useful for docker containers.
     addressAutoDetect: false

     # Setting for runtime.GOMAXPROCS(n). If n < 1, it does not change the
     # current setting
     gomaxprocs: -1

     # Gossip related configuration
         # Bootstrap set to initialize gossip with.
         # This is a list of other peers that this peer reaches out to at startup.
         # Important: The endpoints here have to be endpoints of peers in the same
         # organization, because the peer would refuse connecting to these endpoints
         # unless they are in the same organization as the peer.

         # NOTE: orgLeader and useLeaderElection parameters are mutual exclusive.
         # Setting both to true would result in the termination of the peer
         # since this is undefined state. If the peers are configured with
         # useLeaderElection=false, make sure there is at least 1 peer in the
         # organization that its orgLeader is set to true.

         # Defines whenever peer will initialize dynamic algorithm for
         # "leader" selection, where leader is the peer to establish
         # connection with ordering service and use delivery protocol
         # to pull ledger blocks from ordering service. It is recommended to
         # use leader election for large networks of peers.
         useLeaderElection: false
         # Statically defines peer to be an organization "leader",
         # where this means that current peer will maintain connection
         # with ordering service and disseminate block across peers in
         # its own organization
         orgLeader: true

         # Overrides the endpoint that the peer publishes to peers
         # in its organization. For peers in foreign organizations
         # see 'externalEndpoint'
         # Maximum count of blocks stored in memory
         maxBlockCountToStore: 100
         # Max time between consecutive message pushes(unit: millisecond)
         maxPropagationBurstLatency: 10ms
         # Max number of messages stored until a push is triggered to remote peers
         maxPropagationBurstSize: 10
         # Number of times a message is pushed to remote peers
         propagateIterations: 1
         # Number of peers selected to push messages to
         propagatePeerNum: 3
         # Determines frequency of pull phases(unit: second)
         pullInterval: 4s
         # Number of peers to pull from
         pullPeerNum: 3
         # Determines frequency of pulling state info messages from peers(unit: second)
         requestStateInfoInterval: 4s
         # Determines frequency of pushing state info messages to peers(unit: second)
         publishStateInfoInterval: 4s
         # Maximum time a stateInfo message is kept until expired
         # Time from startup certificates are included in Alive messages(unit: second)
         publishCertPeriod: 10s
         # Should we skip verifying block messages or not (currently not in use)
         skipBlockVerification: false
         # Dial timeout(unit: second)
         dialTimeout: 3s
         # Connection timeout(unit: second)
         connTimeout: 2s
         # Buffer size of received messages
         recvBuffSize: 20
         # Buffer size of sending messages
         sendBuffSize: 200
         # Time to wait before pull engine processes incoming digests (unit: second)
         digestWaitTime: 1s
         # Time to wait before pull engine removes incoming nonce (unit: second)
         requestWaitTime: 1s
         # Time to wait before pull engine ends pull (unit: second)
         responseWaitTime: 2s
         # Alive check interval(unit: second)
         aliveTimeInterval: 5s
         # Alive expiration timeout(unit: second)
         aliveExpirationTimeout: 25s
         # Reconnect interval(unit: second)
         reconnectInterval: 25s
         # This is an endpoint that is published to peers outside of the organization.
         # If this isn't set, the peer will not be known to other organizations.
         # Leader election service configuration
             # Longest time peer waits for stable membership during leader election startup (unit: second)
             startupGracePeriod: 15s
             # Interval gossip membership samples to check its stability (unit: second)
             membershipSampleInterval: 1s
             # Time passes since last declaration message before peer decides to perform leader election (unit: second)
             leaderAliveThreshold: 10s
             # Time between peer sends propose message and declares itself as a leader (sends declaration message) (unit: second)
             leaderElectionDuration: 5s

     # EventHub related configuration
         # The address that the Event service will be enabled on the peer

         # total number of events that could be buffered without blocking send
         buffersize: 100

         # timeout duration for producer to send an event.
         # if < 0, if buffer full, unblocks immediately and not send
         # if 0, if buffer full, will block and guarantee the event will be sent out
         # if > 0, if buffer full, blocks till timeout
         timeout: 10ms

     # TLS Settings
     # Note that peer-chaincode connections through chaincodeListenAddress is
     # not mutual TLS auth. See comments on chaincodeListenAddress for more info
         enabled:  false
             file: tls/server.crt
             file: tls/server.key
             file: tls/ca.crt

         # The server name use to verify the hostname returned by TLS handshake

     # Path on the file system where peer will store data (eg ledger). This
     # location must be access control protected to prevent unintended
     # modification that might corrupt the peer operations.
     fileSystemPath: /var/hyperledger/production

     # BCCSP (Blockchain crypto provider): Select which crypto implementation or
     # library to use
         Default: SW
             # TODO: The default Hash and Security level needs refactoring to be
             # fully configurable. Changing these defaults requires coordination
             # SHA2 is hardcoded in several places, not only BCCSP
             Hash: SHA2
             Security: 256
             # Location of Key Store
                 # If "", defaults to 'mspConfigPath'/keystore
                 # TODO: Ensure this is read with fabric/core/config.GetPath() once ready

     # Path on the file system where peer will find MSP local configurations
     mspConfigPath: msp

     # Identifier of the local MSP
     # ----!!!!IMPORTANT!!!-!!!IMPORTANT!!!-!!!IMPORTANT!!!!----
     # Deployers need to change the value of the localMspId string.
     # In particular, the name of the local MSP ID of a peer needs
     # to match the name of one of the MSPs in each of the channel
     # that this peer is a member of. Otherwise this peer's messages
     # will not be identified as valid by other nodes.
     localMspId: DEFAULT

     # Used with Go profiling tools only in none production environment. In
     # production, it should be disabled (eg enabled: false)
         enabled:     false

 #    VM section

     # Endpoint of the vm management system.  For docker can be one of the following in general
     # unix:///var/run/docker.sock
     # http://localhost:2375
     # https://localhost:2376
     endpoint: unix:///var/run/docker.sock

     # settings for docker vms
             enabled: false
                 file: docker/ca.crt
                 file: docker/tls.crt
                 file: docker/tls.key

         # Enables/disables the standard out/err from chaincode containers for
         # debugging purposes
         attachStdout: false

         # Parameters on creating docker container.
         # Container may be efficiently created using ipam & dns-server for cluster
         # NetworkMode - sets the networking mode for the container. Supported
         # standard values are: `host`(default),`bridge`,`ipvlan`,`none`.
         # Dns - a list of DNS servers for the container to use.
         # Note:  `Privileged` `Binds` `Links` and `PortBindings` properties of
         # Docker Host Config are not supported and will not be used if set.
         # LogConfig - sets the logging driver (Type) and related options
         # (Config) for Docker. For more info,
         # https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/logging/overview/
         # Note: Set LogConfig using Environment Variables is not supported.
             NetworkMode: host
                # -
                 Type: json-file
                     max-size: "50m"
                     max-file: "5"
             Memory: 2147483648

 #    Chaincode section
     # This is used if chaincode endpoint resolution fails with the
     # chaincodeListenAddress property

     # The id is used by the Chaincode stub to register the executing Chaincode
     # ID with the Peer and is generally supplied through ENV variables
     # the `path` form of ID is provided when installing the chaincode.
     # The `name` is used for all other requests and can be any string.

     # Generic builder environment, suitable for most chaincode types
     builder: $(DOCKER_NS)/fabric-ccenv:$(ARCH)-$(PROJECT_VERSION)

         # golang will never need more than baseos
         runtime: $(BASE_DOCKER_NS)/fabric-baseos:$(ARCH)-$(BASE_VERSION)

         # car may need more facilities (JVM, etc) in the future as the catalog
         # of platforms are expanded.  For now, we can just use baseos
         runtime: $(BASE_DOCKER_NS)/fabric-baseos:$(ARCH)-$(BASE_VERSION)

         # This is an image based on java:openjdk-8 with addition compiler
         # tools added for java shim layer packaging.
         # This image is packed with shim layer libraries that are necessary
         # for Java chaincode runtime.
         Dockerfile:  |
             from $(DOCKER_NS)/fabric-javaenv:$(ARCH)-$(PROJECT_VERSION)

     # Timeout duration for starting up a container and waiting for Register
     # to come through. 1sec should be plenty for chaincode unit tests
     startuptimeout: 300s

     # Timeout duration for Invoke and Init calls to prevent runaway.
     # This timeout is used by all chaincodes in all the channels, including
     # system chaincodes.
     # Note that during Invoke, if the image is not available (e.g. being
     # cleaned up when in development environment), the peer will automatically
     # build the image, which might take more time. In production environment,
     # the chaincode image is unlikely to be deleted, so the timeout could be
     # reduced accordingly.
     executetimeout: 30s

     # There are 2 modes: "dev" and "net".
     # In dev mode, user runs the chaincode after starting peer from
     # command line on local machine.
     # In net mode, peer will run chaincode in a docker container.
     mode: net

     # keepalive in seconds. In situations where the communiction goes through a
     # proxy that does not support keep-alive, this parameter will maintain connection
     # between peer and chaincode.
     # A value <= 0 turns keepalive off
     keepalive: 0

     # system chaincodes whitelist. To add system chaincode "myscc" to the
     # whitelist, add "myscc: enable" to the list below, and register in
     # chaincode/importsysccs.go
         cscc: enable
         lscc: enable
         escc: enable
         vscc: enable
         qscc: enable

     # Logging section for the chaincode container
       # Default level for all loggers within the chaincode container
       level:  info
       # Override default level for the 'shim' module
       shim:   warning
       # Format for the chaincode container logs
       format: '%{color}%{time:2006-01-02 15:04:05.000 MST} [%{module}] %{shortfunc} -> %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}'

 #    Ledger section - ledger configuration encompases both the blockchain
 #    and the state


     # stateDatabase - options are "goleveldb", "CouchDB"
     # goleveldb - default state database stored in goleveldb.
     # CouchDB - store state database in CouchDB
     stateDatabase: goleveldb
        # It is recommended to run CouchDB on the same server as the peer, and
        # not map the CouchDB container port to a server port in docker-compose.
        # Otherwise proper security must be provided on the connection between
        # CouchDB client (on the peer) and server.
        # This username must have read and write authority on CouchDB
        # The password is recommended to pass as an environment variable
        # during start up (eg LEDGER_COUCHDBCONFIG_PASSWORD).
        # If it is stored here, the file must be access control protected
        # to prevent unintended users from discovering the password.
        # Number of retries for CouchDB errors
        maxRetries: 3
        # Number of retries for CouchDB errors during peer startup
        maxRetriesOnStartup: 10
        # CouchDB request timeout (unit: duration, e.g. 20s)
        requestTimeout: 35s
        # Limit on the number of records to return per query
        queryLimit: 10000

     # enableHistoryDatabase - options are true or false
     # Indicates if the history of key updates should be stored.
     # All history 'index' will be stored in goleveldb, regardless if using
     # CouchDB or alternate database for the state.
 enableHistoryDatabase: true


~# ~/fabric/start-peer.sh