
 path.dir() \  / 
 path.Dir() /  filepath.Dir()   
  package main 

path / filepath

func main(){
fmt.Println(`filepath.Dir(a / b / c):`,filepath.Dir(a / b / c))
fmt.Println(`filepath.Dir(c:\ foo \ bar.exe):`,filepath .dir(`c:\foo\bar.exe`))
  filepath.Dir(a / b / c):a \ b 
filepath .Dir(c:\foo\bar.exe):c:\ foo
I'd like to use path.Dir() on Unix and Windows with a platform specific directory. Please take a look at the code:path.Dir()
package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println(`path.Dir("a/b/c"): `, path.Dir("a/b/c"))
    fmt.Println(`path.Dir("c:\foo\bar.exe"): `, path.Dir(`c:\foo\bar.exe`))
This outputs 
path.Dir("a/b/c"):  a/b
path.Dir("c:\foo\bar.exe"):  .
I'd like to get for the second call to path.Dir() (windows) something likepath.Dir()
Is it possible to tell path.dir() to use Windows separators for my program running on windows? Or should I always convert the backslashes \  to forward slashes (/)? What is the preferred strategy here?path.dir()\/
I see where the "problem" is. This discussion at golang-nuts gave me the hint, that path.Dir() always uses / and filepath.Dir() is the function to be used for platform dependent manipulation.path.Dir()/filepath.Dir()
package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println(`filepath.Dir("a/b/c"): `, filepath.Dir("a/b/c"))
    fmt.Println(`filepath.Dir("c:\foo\bar.exe"): `, filepath.Dir(`c:\foo\bar.exe`))
on windows:
filepath.Dir("a/b/c"):  a\b
filepath.Dir("c:\foo\bar.exe"):  c:\foo
