

I am working on a javascript project which initially had all complex logic written in JS. However it was very slow so we had ported all the complex logic to golang now due to architectural constraints we cannot call APIs of the golang, so we moved towards wasm where you build your golang code into a wasm file and call it from your js code and hence eliminating API calls.


Now everything was working fine until we have received some complex object which takes a lot of time if you execute through wasm but takes only few seconds if you run it through golang. So my question is can I implement multithreading into wasm file loaded in browser?



So my question is can I implement multithreading into wasm file loaded in browser?



Multithreading isn't officially supported in WASM at all yet. It's still just a proposal. That said, there's already an issue tracking this for Go/WASM.

因此,实际上,这意味着乐观地认为Go 1.14是第一个可能包含(实验性)WASM Threading支持的Go版本,该支持可能会在2020Q1推出.稳定的支持可能至少还需要一个Go发布周期,所以也许2020Q3可以在生产中使用它.

So what this means, in practical terms, is that, optimistically, Go 1.14 is the first Go version likely to include (experimental) WASM Threading support, which will probably come out 2020Q1. Stable support likely will take at least one more Go release cycle, so perhaps 2020Q3 you'll be able to use this in production.
